Page 100 of Love Me Like You Do

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“Who knows what Lola told her,” Mabel said.

“I was thinking the same thing,” Harrison said.

“What are you talking about?” Barrett asked Harrison.

“Everly just found out that her mother wouldn’t let her dad see her. All these years, she lied about it. What if Lola does something similar?”

I stepped closer to Harrison, needing him to hear me. “The difference is, you’re fighting back. My dad was too afraid to try.”

Harrison’s gaze held mine. “I won’t let Lola take her from me.”

Tears shone in Harrison’s eyes. I’d never seen him cry. It showed how much he loved his daughter. He was willing to do anything to protect her. I loved that about him.

I understood why my father was afraid, but there would always be a part of me that wanted him to fight for me too. Maybe he’d grown and was a changed man now. We all make mistakes. I was willing to put it behind me to get to know the man he was now.

“We won’t either. We’re all with you on this,” Barrett said.

“You’ve got us, Everly, and Sage,” Mabel added.

“Sage is coming?” Harrison asked, running a hand through his already messy hair.

“She’s going to meet us at the courthouse.”

Harrison nodded. “That’s good. I need all the support I can get.”

“You have a whole team behind you,” Mom said grimly.

“I appreciate it,” Harrison replied.

“We love that little girl, and I’d like to see her more often. I want some grandmother time,” Mabel said.

“You’ll have to get in line behind me. The next time I see her, I’m going to hug her until she complains,” Harrison joked.

“So… about five seconds?” I teased, glad to see he was in a lighter mood. I was pleased that he was open to the possibility of her coming home to him. He wasn’t defeated. At least not yet. I hoped the judge would listen to what Harrison had to say. He was a good man, and he should be able to see his daughter more. He shouldn’t be losing the time he had. That wasn’t fair.

I was so angry at Lola for doing this to him and to Wren. She didn’t deserve to be treated like a pawn.

“It’s time to go,” Barrett said after glancing at his phone.

Outside, Harrison asked, “Are you riding with me?”

“Of course.” I knew he needed moral support now more than ever. I felt bad for not being here for him last night.

“I’m not upset with you,” he said when we were alone and on the road.

I chewed my lower lip. “I should have been here.”

“You probably would have been if I hadn’t said what I did. I can’t apologize enough. I didn’t believe it when I said it, and it’s obviously not true.”

“I know that now. But we’re here today for Wren, not me and my situation.”

Harrison gripped the steering wheel tighter. “I can’t help thinking of the parallels.”

“Me neither.”

“Wren will always know that I love her.”

I reached over to squeeze his arm. “She does know that.”
