Page 104 of Love Me Like You Do

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Harrison checked his phone. “We have until 3:30 before I need to pick up Wren. Want to celebrate?”

I grinned. “Absolutely.”

He pulled me into his arms, tucking me into his chest. His heart thumped under my cheek. “I still can’t believe it. I get Wren in my life and you. I’ll never take it for granted.”

We were aware of how things could have gone differently. Another judge might not have sided with Harrison. He or she might have kept custody the way it was. But this judge had seen Lola for the manipulative person she was.

I hoped for Wren’s sake she never thought of violating the custody or visitation orders again. But only time would tell. And if it happened, I’d be by Harrison’s side. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for him or Wren. I loved both of them.

“We’re a family now. You, me, and Wren,” Harrison said.

“A family,” I repeated as he kissed me.

“Come on. We have a lot to celebrate.” Harrison tugged me in the direction of his parked truck. I had a feeling he was going to keep me in bed most of the day, and I wasn’t complaining. I missed him, and there was something about his impromptu declaration to the judge that had my blood pumping harder. His love was real. And he was willing to declare it to the world. I don’t know how I’d gotten so lucky to have not only Harrison and Wren in my life, but my father and his new family, too.



The last few weeks were blissful. I moved Everly out of her apartment, and we found someone to sublet it until her lease expired. Silas was so impressed with my professionalism and reliability that he’d increased my bonus, and the amount he offered under our long-term contract was life changing. I was able to hire another manager and a couple of guys to do the heavy lifting. I wanted to make time and space not only for my family but to work on ways to expand my business. I couldn’t do that when I was the sole employee.

We saw Wren every other week. I bought her a phone with strict instructions to use it only for texting and calling me or Everly, not with friends. And she wasn’t to download any apps.

I wanted to be in contact with her in case something ever happened again. It would be a long time before I could relax and not worry about whether Lola would return Wren when it was my turn for visitation.

At first, Wren was worried that Lola wouldn’t give her back when it was time for my visitation, but we worked through that in therapy. With the therapist’s assistance, I explained the new custody agreement and reminded her she was safe. When she thanked me for fighting for her, my heart cracked all over again because nothing scared me more than Lola taking her from me. I assured her it wouldn’t happen again. I wouldn’t let it, and the courts were on our side.

My relationship with Everly was stronger than ever. My public declaration had been all she needed to feel my love. I’d spend the rest of my life making up my harsh words to her. I never wanted to make her feel unwanted or unloved again.

Everly’s work had taken off since she’d been able to spend more time on it. She was frequently meeting with new clients for custom orders, and her online sales had increased too. Wren and I helped her with packaging and shipping, but it was time for her to think about hiring more help. She couldn’t do it all herself, which was a great sign for a new business.

Today, Everly was scheduled to meet her sister and brother. According to her father, they were eager to meet her.

“Are you nervous?” I asked Everly when we got into the truck and headed south toward her father’s.

Wren was watching a movie on her tablet.

Everly smoothed her palms over the skirt of her dress. “A little bit. What if they don’t like me? Or they blame me for not meeting earlier?”

“They won’t. And even if they do, that’s their problem, not yours.” Everly hadn’t confronted her mother yet. She’d recently seen a therapist who suggested she take some time and distance from her mother before confronting her.

Her therapist helped her relax. There was no pressure or right or wrong thing to do in this situation. She could take her time to heal.

I reached over to take her hand, and she smiled at me. “I can’t believe this is our life.”

I knew what she meant. With Wren in our lives more, we felt closer to her. I felt like a real father. I was there to help with her homework, coach her in basketball, and enjoy the everyday bedtime struggles. I wasn’t just the fun dad who saw her every other weekend. I got everything with her. Our lives were full. I had everything I’d ever wanted, and I couldn’t have been happier.

“They’ll love you. How could they not?” I asked, sensing her dubious mood.

She bit her lip apprehensively. “I hope so. I never thought I’d have siblings.”

“They can be a pain,” I teased, thinking of Sage.

Pulling off her headphones, Wren interjected, “Aunt Sage is fun.”

“You say that because she doesn’t have to be the parent. She’s the cool aunt.”

Wren rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
