Page 49 of Love Me Like You Do

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Harrison was happy to spend the evening with his family, and I wouldn’t let my nerves get in the way of that.

We met at the hood of his truck to hold hands.

His mom, Mabel, raised a brow. “You said it, but I wasn’t sure I believed it.”

My stomach dipped as I looked at Harrison to catch his expression. “What’s not to believe? We’ve been friends forever, and we finally gave in to the attraction.”

“We were worried we’d ruin our friendship.” My statement was the truth. Was his? Was he giving in to an attraction, or was he a great actor?

Harrison winked.

I couldn’t help but soften under his gaze.

“Let’s go inside, then. I want to hear everything,” his mom said, going inside and leaving us alone on the porch.

He kissed me softly, surprising me. He pulled back slightly and said, “Told you.”

I shook my head. “Your mother said you could convince anyone of anything.”

“The trick is to add a bit of truth.” Then he was tugging me inside, not giving me a second to ask a follow-up question when I had several. Which part was the truth? Some of it? All of it?

I was losing my mind. I tried to unscramble my brain as we walked toward the noise in the kitchen.

Harrison’s sister, Sage, was talking animatedly with Wren about something that happened at school.

“You two finally figured things out, huh?” his dad, Barrett, said.

I hugged him like I always did. “Something like that.”

“I’m glad.” Then to Harrison, he said, “You made your mother happy. She’s been hoping for this for a long time.”

His mother, Mabel, waved a hand at Barrett. “Enough of that. Stop telling everyone my secrets.”

That surprised me. She’d never said anything, not like Wren and Gran had. It added to the list of people who’d be disappointed when this was over. I couldn’t meet Harrison’s gaze. Instead, I asked, “Can I help you with anything?”

“You can help Wren set the table.”

“Absolutely. Come on,” I said to Wren. “You get the silverware and napkins. I’ll get the plates.”

Harrison and Barrett took turns carrying in the platters and bowls of food. With all of us, we had the table set in no time. His mom filled the glasses with water while we sat. I sat next to Harrison and across from Wren and Sage. His parents always sat at the ends of the table.

I’d eaten here many times before but not with this level of expectation. His parents knew us the best. Were they looking for something? Watching us to make sure it was real?

Under the table, Harrison interlaced his fingers with mine. His touch settled me in a way that nothing else did. I smiled at him before turning my attention to the rest of the table.

His parents were watching us with interest. Either Harrison was trying to comfort me, or it was a deliberate ploy to convince his parents we were together. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

He only relinquished my hand when the food was passed around. Talk revolved around Wren, what she was learning at school, and her excitement about playing basketball.

“Have you talked to Lola about it?” Mabel asked.

Harrison had finally talked to her this past Wednesday when he’d dropped off Wren.

“She said it was fine as long as I picked her up and dropped her off.”

“I bet she’s tired, being so far along in her pregnancy. Isn’t she due in a couple of weeks?” his mom asked.

“Right after Thanksgiving.”
