Page 73 of Love Me Like You Do

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Sage smiled ruefully. “That’s what you get for not paying attention.”

I picked up the ball from the ground and lobbed it to Everly, continuing our rhythm.

Finally, Dad and Wren settled on a proper end zone, and we split up into teams so we could play three on two. Wren and Everly were on my team. We didn’t have a lot of people, but it was still fun.

We joked and talked trash, running and laughing until our sides hurt.

Finally, Mom came out to announce dinner. “If you’re done pretending to play football, the food’s ready. Afterward, we can watch the professionals show you how it’s done.”

Heading inside, I said to Mom, “You don’t think we’re as good as the professionals?”

“Not even close,” Mom said dryly.

“I guess it’s a good thing you love us anyway,” Sage said.

We washed up and helped Mom move the platters and bowls of food to the dining room table where she’d placed a festive tablecloth.

Dad poured red wine for the adults and apple cider for Wren. When he was finished, he sat at the head of the table and raised his glass. “Let’s toast to being together as a family, and to Harrison finally coming to his senses and making Everly his girl.”

Smiling, I lifted my glass. “It was a smart decision.”

“Every once in a while, brother, you do good,” Sage agreed, clinking my glass with hers.

“I’ll say,” Gran added, and everyone laughed.

Everly’s cheeks were pink, and I couldn’t resist leaning over to kiss her softly before clinking glasses with her and then everyone else. It was truly the best Thanksgiving I could remember in a long time. Everyone I loved was in one place.

I even had plans to take our relationship to the next level this weekend. I didn’t allow myself to think of the what-ifs. Everything would work out because it had to.

We ate way too much food. I felt like my jeans were ready to burst, then we helped Mom clean up before getting dessert. Mom had overdone herself, as usual. There were five different pies to pick from since no one could agree on their favorite.

We ate pie and then headed into the den to watch football. It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. I still didn’t know what went down between Everly and her mother, but whatever it was, I supported her. Everly sat next to me on the couch. It was natural for me to lift my arms so she could settle into my side. Kissing her temple, I asked, “Everything okay?”

She grinned. “It’s great.”

“I think so too.” Wren was lying on her stomach in front of the TV with her feet in the air while she talked to my dad. Wren and my dad loved to argue about everything, including sports, books, you name it, and I sat back to enjoy their banter.

Mom sat in her chair with her knitting out. She said she liked to keep her hands busy, and it was a comforting sight.

“What are you making?” Everly asked Mom.

“I’ve been making hats for the babies in the hospital since it doesn’t look like I’ll have any more grandbabies anytime soon. Unless someone has an announcement they’d like to make,” Mom said pointedly.

“Hey, I’m not even seeing anyone,” Sage said to take the pressure off herself.

Wren rolled to her side and pointed at her chest. “What am I, Grammy?”

“You’ll always be my favorite, but I’d like more little ones,” Mom said to her affectionately.

Satisfied with her answer, Wren turned back to the TV.

Mom raised a brow at me. “You have an announcement you want to make?”

“Not today.” I exchanged a look with Gran. I’m sure she was remembering that she gave me her ring.

Gran shook a hand at me. “Don’t wait forever. You aren’t getting any younger.”

“Thanks, Gran.”
