Page 74 of Love Me Like You Do

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“That’s what I’m here for. To remind you that you’re getting older. Time’s wasting away,” Gran said.

“Was that directed at me?” Sage asked.

“Well, if the shoe fits,” Gran said grumpily, but we knew she meant well.

“Dating is crazy these days. The apps are filled with guys not looking for a relationship.”

“Doesn’t anyone meet people in person anymore?” Mom asked her.

“Wherever you go, everyone has earbuds in, and you can’t start a conversation.”

Sage was a few years younger than me, so her experience was a little different than mine. Having a child at home and a job that filled my nights and weekends, I couldn’t get out.

“You don’t have any friends from school?” Mom asked her.

“Not really. Everyone moved away for college and didn’t come back.”

Sage struggled living here more than I did. She didn’t want to move away from our family, but I wondered if she should have.

“You should get a job where you could travel and see more of the world,” Gran said.

Sage sighed. “That would be nice.”

We talked about job options for Sage, who was working as a graphic designer for a firm in the city. She had a long commute that included driving and a train. So, she didn’t have much time to look for another job or consider other opportunities.

When Wren started to get tired, we said our good-byes and waited for Mom to pack up food and pies for us. On the way home, Wren nodded off quickly.

“How are you really?” I finally asked Everly.

Everly smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m good. Really.”

“I’m proud of you for finally standing up to her.”

“I feel a little bad about leaving without sharing a meal with her. It’s Thanksgiving, after all.”

“She’s been miserable for years. I think you were right to point it out and stand your ground. You deserve to have an enjoyable holiday.”

She smiled. “I do.”

I took a deep breath before saying what I’d wanted to for years. “Have you thought about confronting your father?”

Everly’s mouth dropped open. “What? No. Why would I do that?”

“You could use the closure.”

Everly’s jaw set. “It wouldn’t make a difference.”

“Are you sure about that?” I’d always wondered if things would have been different if she’d been able to ask him the questions building up in her head.

“He could have reached out at any time. He never came to my graduation or sent cards on my birthday. It was like I was dead to him.”

I couldn’t handle the pain in her voice, so I reached over and covered her hand with mine. “He’s a jerk.”

“Yeah, no kidding.”

I’d never treat Wren like that, someone who was disposable. “But I think talking to him would help. Would you at least think about it?”

“For you, I will.” But her lips were set in a grim line.
