Page 87 of Love Me Like You Do

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I declared it game night after we’d cleared the dishes, and we got out a fantasy game I’d gotten Wren as a gift but that we’d never played. We watched a video to understand how it worked, and then we played for an hour. It was a cooperative game, so we weren’t competing against each other. It made it even better. We joked and laughed, giving each other tips for the best course of action. When I tucked Wren in at night, she asked, “Can I stay with you?”

“I know you’re worried about the baby, but I promise we’ll get through this, and you might even love being a big sister.”

Wren sighed long and hard. “I hope so.”

“I’m working on getting more time with you. These things take—”

She rolled her eyes. “Time. I know. You’ve told me.”

“It’s a grown-up thing. I don’t want you to worry about it.”

Wren sighed. “I won’t. I just wish I could stay here all the time.”

“But then your mom would miss you.”

Late that night, Lola sent a picture of her baby wrapped in the familiar pink-and-blue-striped hospital-issued blanket. The cap didn’t have a bow, so it was a boy. I wondered what that would mean for Wren. Would her stepdad be more into his son because he was a boy and one hundred percent his? Would Lola?

I responded with acongratulations.

Lola: When will you bring Wren by? I’ll be going home tomorrow.

Harrison: Whenever you’re up for it, but it will have to be after school.

I refused to take her out of school, even for her baby brother, Duncan. Wren needed consistency and routine. Now more than ever.

Lola: Monday after school.

Harrison: Sounds good.

I wondered if Wren would stay with them or go home with me, but I was too chicken to ask.



I’d been off-kilter since I’d heard Lola was delivering her baby. I wasn’t sure what it meant for me and Harrison. A crazy part of me wondered if it brought back memories for Harrison of them having Wren. Did he have any lingering affection for her?

Logically, I knew I was being crazy. They’d never dated or been in a relationship. According to Harrison, it was a one-night stand.

But I couldn’t stop my mind from racing from one possibility to the other. What if the judge decided Lola’s family was more established and Wren got to stay with them? Would Harrison cut me loose because he wouldn’t need me anymore? It was hard to believe that I was enough for someone to stay.

The good thing was that Wren had been with us a lot. Lola wanted to take her home that first Monday when Wren met the baby, Duncan, but Lola was exhausted, so Harrison offered to keep her. Apparently, George hadn’t taken any leave from his job, so Lola was on her own. I felt for her, but she’d made her choices, and I was happy to see Wren more often.

Harrison appeared in my office doorway. “I talked to Jackson.”

“Oh? How did that go?” My heart thumped inside my chest.

“He thinks we should file next week. We’ve given her a few weeks to adjust to having a new baby, and Wren is here all the time.”

“Shouldn’t we keep things like they are? We’re seeing Wren almost all the time.” I was afraid of the worst-case scenarios that ran through my head.

“He thinks it would be best to act now. Strike while she’s down, so to speak. She’s overwhelmed and might be more amenable to agreeing to a change.”

“Whatever you think is best.” At the end of the day, this was Harrison’s decision. Wren was his daughter.

Harrison ran a hand through his hair, his tell when he was upset. “Jackson said Lola might be upset when she’s served with the papers.”

“Should you talk to her about it first?” I wasn’t sure if that would make it better, though.
