Page 88 of Love Me Like You Do

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“We’ve had numerous discussions about it. It’s always me asking for more time and her saying no. I don’t think she’ll act without a court case looming.”

“Okay.” I trusted his judgment as this was his decision to make.

“What do you think?” Harrison rested a shoulder against the doorframe.

“I think we should do whatever Jackson recommends and what you feel is right.”

Harrison shifted on his feet. “I need to do this. Wren wants me to.”

“I think you need to do it then. What will happen after she’s served?”

“A hearing will be scheduled. There’s a period where the attorneys exchange information. I can’t remember the legal name for it. But it can be a whole lot of hurry up and wait. That’s how Jackson described it, anyway.”

I stood and moved around my desk, needing to be close to him. “Whatever happens, I’m here for you. You know that, right?”

Harrison had been distant. I knew part of it was that Wren was living with us almost full time, and we didn’t have much time alone. But it felt like something else was bothering him. Was he questioning his decision to propose?

“I’m worried that I’m making the wrong decision. That this will screw up everything.”

“Wren wants you to do this. You want this. I don’t think it’s the wrong decision. You’ve hired a professional, and this is what he’s telling you needs to happen. All you can do is listen.”

“I’m just second-guessing myself, and I shouldn’t. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t try.”

“When you first came to me with the idea of me being your girlfriend, you said you’d do whatever it took.”

“And nothing’s changed.” Harrison touched my shoulder before walking away.

I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d meant our relationship was still a placeholder, one he was using to impress a judge. I hated thinking like that. I’d wanted to move away from my mom’s negativity, but it slipped in when I was doubting myself.

For the next week and a half, Harrison was on edge. We were waiting for the paperwork to be served, and Harrison was worried about Lola’s reaction. Would she pull back? Would she demand Wren go back to her house?

We were worried but trying to keep it from Wren. She was worried about adjusting to a baby brother and her mother not loving her anymore. As much as we loved having her here, it wasn’t without its complications.

Harrison found a therapist for Wren to see so she could talk through her feelings about her parents living apart and Duncan. I thought it was a good move, and he never mentioned that it was to look a certain way for the judge. He was genuinely worried about Wren. He was a good dad, but no matter what I said to him lately, he didn’t seem to take it in.

It was like he was so wound up he couldn’t listen to anyone else. Now that I was done working my day job, I was at home most of the time unless I was meeting with Gia, the other wedding planners, or a client.

A couple of weeks after he filed the papers, we got a call from Jackson that Lola had been served at home.

When Harrison went to pick up Wren from school for his weekend, the front office informed him that her mother had already picked her up early. Harrison was stunned that they hadn’t adhered to the custody agreement we’d filed with them, but we’d been going outside the agreement the last few weeks.

“What I don’t understand is why she took her out of school early. They said she didn’t say she was sick, didn’t visit the nurse, and there wasn’t a planned doctor’s visit. Lola just showed up and said she needed to take her.”

“Is that even allowed?” I asked as my stomach plummeted.

Harrison gripped the back of his neck. “I have no idea.”

“What did Jackson say?”

“He said we could file an emergency motion for custody, but he thinks we should wait and see if she brings her back over the weekend.”

“There’s Saturday’s basketball practice, and you get her on Wednesday.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I don’t like this.”

“Neither do I.” I tried to massage his shoulders, but they were tight. Too tense for me to loosen. “You need to relax.”

Harrison jumped up. “I don’t think there’s a code for this sort of thing. A list of directions on how to handle it.”

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