Page 99 of Love Me Like You Do

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“You’d do that?”

She spun to face me. “I love you. I want Wren to be with you. It’s what she wants.”

Was it too soon to ask for more? I felt shaky. The whole thing was unbelievable. With one wrong sentence, I’d ruined everything I’d built with Everly over the years. I knew I could hurt her by attacking her self-worth, and I did it so callously. “Can I make it up to you?”

Her mouth opened, then closed.

“No. Don’t answer that. I’m going to fix this. I’m going to mend what I tore apart because I love you. I need you in my life, and I won’t take no for an answer.” I wasn’t sure where this unfaltering determination was coming from, but I hoped it worked.

Her brows rose at my tone.

“I’m going home to eat and get some sleep. I have a big day tomorrow. I hope you’ll come home to me, to us, and that you’ll give me a chance to prove to you that I’m the man for you.”

She didn’t answer, and I’d said everything I could for now. I wasn’t sure what I could do to fix this, but I needed Wren back. Then my head would clear, and I could think about the possibilities. Right now, my focus had to be on my daughter.

Her hands fluttered uselessly around her face. “I think I just need to process everything. You said what you did, and then I saw my father for the first time in eighteen years. I have some things I need to say to my mother.”

We both had things we needed to figure out.

“I want to be there for you, and I’d like you to be there for me.”

“I’ll be there tomorrow, standing by your side.”

That’s all I could reasonably request. For now, anyway. I wanted so much more, but I needed to give her space and the time to process everything she’d gone through this weekend.

“I’m proud of you for going to see your father. That was brave.”

“It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. But after what you said you did, I had to know.”

“Not saying that what I did was good, but I’m glad you reconnected with your father and that he might be a part of your life now.”

Everly walked me to the door. “You know, I think he will be. And I’m not afraid to hope for it.”

I wanted to hug her, soothe her somehow, but I assumed it wasn’t the right time yet. Instead, I kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I didn’t look back or ask her any more questions. I believed her when she said she’d be there for me. I just hoped she was open to something more.



Iarrived at Harrison’s house early on Monday morning, shocked to hear that Lola hadn’t returned Wren the entire weekend, even with the threat of Harrison’s emergency motion being filed.

Harrison paced the living room while his parents pleaded with him to eat something. I didn’t blame him; I couldn’t eat either.

I’d debated coming back earlier, but I needed time to myself. I was no closer to figuring out where we stood. I’d just been running through everything that happened in my head, wondering how I’d missed my mom’s lies.

How could I have been so stupid? The only thing I could think was that I trusted my mother. I believed her when she said my father didn’t want to see me. I was sure that most young kids would have done the same.

I just couldn’t understand why she did that. Unless she was afraid she’d lose me if she let me go with my dad, and she probably would have. Maybe I would have been happier with Dad and would have moved in with him as I got older.

Maybe it was the same thing that Lola worried about. That Harrison would want full custody. She was holding on to Wren with both hands, hoping she wouldn’t lose her. She was so blinded by fear she couldn’t see the risk she was taking. She might hurt her chances of keeping custody with the judge.

I was so nervous for Harrison and worried for Wren. Had Lola told Wren that Harrison didn’t want to see her? I didn’t want to believe that of her, but my own mother had done the same thing.

Harrison came out of my office and said, “I checked with the school, and Wren’s there.”

I let out a breath. “She’s okay.”
