Page 13 of Greed

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“Absolutely. I know what needs to be done, and I plan on doing it.” He nods his head this time and takes another drink.

“Very well then.”

Chapter 7

Plans are falling into place nicely. Now I just have to wait, and that’s the issue. I don’t like waiting for what I want.

“How are things?” Rigo asks as I sit on the couch in the living room. I stand and motion for him to follow me outside. We walk out toward the tree line before I speak.

“Things are falling into place nicely.”

“Good. There’s just one issue,” he tells me.

“Which is?”

“Romano is planning something big. I don’t know what, but he’s been trying to discover who is loyal to your father and who isn’t.” That’s news to me. I didn’t know anything about that.

“Such as?”

“Guards mostly.”

“Guards? Why does he care about the guards?” I ask more of myself than Rigo.

“I don’t know, Luka. They’re all asking questions,” he informs me.

“I want this kept away from my father. Understand?” He nods his head. I have no doubt he will do as I ask and keep this from him.

“And if he asks?”

“You’ve heard nothing. Let me figure this out,” I tell him. He nods once more, and I turn to walk back inside when I see Romano looking out the window at me. I give him a smirk and keep walking, not knowing what the hell he’s thinking or what the fuck he’s trying to do. My sole focus is this wedding and how I will handle my father after the fact.

Getting it done is easy, taking what’s meant to be mine. It’s simple and something I can do, but the aftermath will be an issue.

I walk back inside when Romano meets me halfway to the stairs.

“Problem with the guards?”

“No. I just wanted to make sure they were on high alert with such a high-profile wedding coming up.” Lies. Something I’m good at is lying. At least to him.

“You think there’s going to be an issue?” he asks. I shake my head.

“Not at all. They know to be alert,” I tell him.

“Listen, I know you don’t like this whole thing, Luka, but I appreciate what you’re doing.” This might mean something to me if I had a heart or a soul. This might have made me rethink things, but I don’t have either. And that means the plans don’t change.

“Of course,fratello. It’s what family does, is it not?” He nods his head this time and reaches out to pat my shoulder.

“You’re right. It is what family does. We take care of each other.” No, we take care of ourselves, but I won’t inform him of that just yet. Instead, I let him stand here thinking we’re family and best friends when I’m his worst enemy.

“Are you ready for all of this?” I ask him trying to make small talk.

“I think so. After so long of not having one, things will be different having a woman around.”

“You’re going to be staying here?” I ask. Romano has a home, as do I, but we mostly stay here to be closer to work-related things, and honestly, who wants to stay home alone?

“For now. Father thought it would be a good idea,” he tells me. Well, that’s new information to me. Why does he care where they live?

“Why is that?”
