Page 14 of Greed

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“I don’t know, Luka. I follow orders as they’re given to me.” Annoyed by his bullshit, I nod once and walk past him when he stops me again.

“She isn’t going to be any happier at my house,” he says.

“She isn’t going to be happy anywhere when this is all over with,” I tell him. I walk through the house and out the front door, ready to get out of here. I’ve had enough of my father and Romano for one day. I’ve had enough of the wedding bullshit too.

I climb into my car and turn up the radio to drown out my thoughts. A lot of good that does me. They’re still there. The same thing is playing over and over in my mind. I can’t make it stop, nor do I want it to.

I drive. I drive to a place I haven’t been to in a long time. The cemetery. I park the car and climb out before walking straight to her headstone. I squat down before it and run my fingers over her name.

“Why did things have to end this way? You maybe would have understood me and what I’m being forced to do. I don’t like harming family, but it’s what has to be done. No one can have her mama. No one.” The thoughts of what I need to do and how I’m going to do it run wild in my mind. What I told her is the truth. No one can have Delaney. Not the way she belonged to me.

Delaney has been mine since we were kids. Since the very first time that swine of a father brought her to our house for a play date. I knew even then she belonged to me and only me. And now my father is trying to ruin that. He’s trying to take her away from me, and that’s unacceptable.

“You do understand, don’t you?” I ask the headstone, knowing I will never get an answer from her. Deep down, I need someone to understand my desire. To understand why I’m going to take what’s mine no matter who gets in my way.

With a sigh, I stand to my feet and look out over the cemetery. To some, cemeteries can be a sad place, and for others, it’s finality. To me, it’s solace. It’s calm. It’s a place I can sit back and reflect without much worry. But it also holds memories of my mother and what I saw. What no one knows I saw.

Shaking away the thoughts, I head back to the car, ready to leave this place behind too. I don’t need to be here right now. It’s just an ugly reminder of the world I live in and the things people will do to get to where they want to be, and I’m not much different in that aspect.

I climb back in my car and drive through town until I pull up near the alley. I climb out and adjust my jacket before strolling down the alley. I know he’s here. This is his domain.

“I know you’re back here, Scott,” I say out loud, knowing he’s here somewhere. This is where he works and breathes. I know him like the back of my hand. The local dealer also has ties and can get his hands on things others might need in a short amount of time.

“What are you doing here?” I hear his voice come from behind the dumpster.

“I need something,” I tell him. Now he steps out from behind the dumpster and walks toward me. He glances around, ensuring no one else is with me before straightening his spine and standing up tall. I smile at that.

“What do you need that you can’t get on your own, Luka?”


“Isn’t it all poison?” he asks with a laugh.

“True. You’re right about that, but I need something specific. Something that takes a while to kill,” I tell him. He looks at me strangely before he nods his head.

“I can get what you need. It’ll take a few days,” he explains casually.

“I figured as much. I’m willing to pay for your time and efforts, Scott.”

“Who’s it for?”


“To do what?”

“That isn’t up for discussion. It will be put to good use, and that’s all you need to know. Plans change, Scott. All the time. You see, I thought I had this plan of mine nailed down, but then I saw a flaw in it. One little flaw can fuck up the entire plan, right?” Scott watches me, nodding his head, agreeing with what I’m saying.

“You’re right. One flaw can fuck up the entire plan. I’ve seen it happen.”

“Which is why I need your services, Scott. I can’t let that one little flaw fuck up my plans.”

“I get it.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah, I do. I’ll have what you need in a few days,” he tells me.

“Good. That’s good. It’s always a pleasure seeing you, Scott,” I tell him, holding my hand to shake his. He takes it, although he is a little hesitant. He has no reason to be. This won’t come back on him. I’ll make sure of that.
