Page 36 of The Exception

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“No. I promised I’d look after you. You’re not supposed to be alone,” I said.

He shrugged. “I’ll figure it out. Your room isn’t big enough for both of us, and you need to lose the guilt.”

Unlikely. “It was my fault, and I’m owning my mistake.” The words came out with more of an edge than I intended. Apparently years of bitterness hadn’t vanished because of a night of talking and a blowjob. I’d spent years giving myself reasons to resent him, and those hadn’t magically disappeared.

Besides, it was my fault he was hurt.

“One of the partners at work owns property up ,” Kandace said. “I can hook you both up for a few weeks. But I can’t help with how this impacts your work.”

Austin’s scowl came out of nowhere.

“Are you all right?” Kandace asked. “Besides the obvious, I mean?”

“Yeah. I’ll make it work. You both seem pretty set on this.”

“Doctor’s orders.” I reminded him.

The driver looked in the rear view mirror at the three of us nestled in the back of his SUV. “Where to?” He asked again.

“Just the one spot.” I gave him my address.

As he hit the freeway, Kandace sent a text to her associate, and looked surprised when he called back almost immediately.

I was stunned too, given it was almost three in the morning.

“Didn’t expect to hear back from you until tomorrow.” She was cheerful as she answered. Even in the dark car, her blush at the reply was clear. “I didn’t need to know that.” Her laugh was embarrassed.

Hey, jealousy, welcome back. She was calling someone from work in the middle of the night, who replied immediately in a deep voice I could hear, even if I couldn’t make out the words. He made her giggle, and she wasn’t hesitating to borrow a house from him.

“I have a huge favor to ask,” she said. “Let me rent your place off Main for a few months… Yeah, that one… He’s not—“ She glanced at me and the pink on her cheeks spread. “Okay, kind of, but it’s not like that… yet…. I owe you, name your price.” Another laugh. “Run that by Judith and let me know if you still feel the same… Uh-huh, I thought so. Thank you. See you Monday.”

And with that, she hung up.

I was trying so hard not to be that guy. The one who expected someone I was involved with to not talk to anyone, ever.

“Good friend? Should we be jealous?” At least Austin cut straight to the point.

“Jealous… of Xander?” Kandace furrowed her brow. “Not unless you’re hoping for a chance with his husband or their girlfriend. The three of them are very tight knit.”

I was glad to hear it. But… husband and girlfriend? New thoughts were slinking into my head. Ridiculous thoughts because I still didn’t like Austin and I barely knew Kandace. Though, I was getting to know more with each passing moment, and I liked pretty much all of it, my possessiveness aside.

When we reached Haddarville, Kandace redirected the driver to a different house, instead of the place I was staying. She had a code for the lockbox, and let us inside.

Austin picked a room on the main floor, and I claimed the one next to it, so I could hear him if he needed anything. I was too tired for a tour, but what I could see of the house, it was simple, clean, and nice.

And then I was alone with Kandace. “I had a lot of fun tonight,” she said softly.

“It was a train wreck.”

She smiled. “It was. I won’t argue that for a second. And I never would have planned it or even agreed to it if I’d known up front. But it was still fun.”

“Yeah, it was. And I’m not just saying that because of the blowjob and masturbation.” Though…wow.I wrapped an arm around her waist. The gesture felt natural. Easy. “You’re not driving home tonight. It’s late.”

“In that case, maybe we can address the one regret I have about the evening.” She leaned her weight into me.

Fuck, that felt good.Shefelt good. Not just because my cock jerked at her closeness, but this was all so easy. “What’s that?”

“That you and I didn’t get to talk more.”
