Page 52 of The Exception

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Kandace grinned. “Yes. Do you want to go in? He’s opened it all up to the public. It’s part of his stock.”

I was so very tempted. But if I looked, I might have to buy a piece or two, and then I might want to use it, and my current situation…

I pushed aside the teasing images of Kandace on a spanking bench, and shoved even harder at the sudden but enticing thought of Austin taking me on a fainting couch.Fuck.

“Maybe another night.” Definitely another night. “You know a lot about this place.”

“Our social media manager lives out here. And one of the partners grew up here—the guy loaning us the house. His name is on the town, but don’t remind him of that.”

I was a little in awe. “You know all the interesting people.”

“Between you and Joystick, I do now,” Kandace said.

I didn’t have a response. “You said something about a record store?” The awning above called this The Cat’s Chaotic Cacophony. I studied the large windows that were filled with vinyl, cd’s, and so much music paraphernalia. “I can’t believe a place like this still exists.”

“Onyx is really passionate about his music.” Kandace leaned some of her weight against me, her shoulder pressing into mine. Despite the coats between us, I swore I felt her heat searing into my skin. “I kind of wish he would re-open the diner next door, but that was his dad’s thing, not his.”

My gaze drifted to the empty building. Unlike the other abandoned shops, this one still had some life in it. “Is he remodeling?”

Kandace nodded. “Fixing it up to sell.”

“Wouldn’t it be amazing if Austin set up shop there?” I was surprised at my own idea.

Because if he was there, that meant he’d stay here. And I’d go back to California.

That was bad.

No, that was exactly what should happen, wasn’t it?

“Hmm.” Kandace’s reply was hard to read. “I’ll mention it to him. He and Onyx would probably get along great, and music is another branch of great geekdom…”

As I studied her, I could almost see the gears turning in her head. So sexy. I was about to suggest we pick a place for dinner, when I heard,

“Elijah.” The voice was feminine and heavily accented.

Kandace and I turned to see Isabella approaching.

“Ciao.” Isabella stopped closer to me than I was comfortable with, a sweet smile in place. “I’m so happy to see a friendly face out here.” She must be having a hard time fitting in.

“Isabella, hi.” I tended to be polite with the actors, but not friendly. Another day I might offer to show her around, but tonight I was going to be selfish with my Kandace time. Still, introductions were appropriate. “This is Kandace. Andrew’s sister. My date.”

“Hi.” Kandace’s greeting was too bright as she extended her hand.

Isabella didn’t so much as glance at her. “You’re busy? I was hoping you’d have time for me.” Isabella stepped even closer to me.

I wasn’t playing whatever bullshit game this was. I’d spent enough time in Hollywood to be unimpressed. “No. I’m out with my girlfriend.” I wrapped an arm around Kandace’s waist. “But you and I can catch up on Monday.”

Like that, Isabella’s pleasant mask vanished—at least she was a better actress on set. “I see. Good night.” She spun on her toe and walked away.

“Isshein Andrew’s movie?” Kandace asked when Isabella was out of earshot.

“Yeah. She’s playing Tara.” I’d rather gloss over the whole weird and random encounter. “Do you want to go get dinner?”

Kandace’s gaze was still fixed on Isabella’s back as the other woman vanished into the light crowds. “Dinner sounds great.” Her tone held an edge.

Given the random flash of an encounter, I didn’t blame her. It was uncomfortable and obnoxious. But I was happy to spend the rest of the night assuring Kandace she was the only woman who had my attention.

