Page 68 of The Exception

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“And nothing. Let the fuckers talk, who cares? My only point is, I wouldn’t mind letting that house go, if you knew someone who was interested in it.”

“You can’t just offload your investment properties off on me.” I let out a light laugh.

Xander shrugged. “I’m just saying, the offer is there. I’d even sell for market value, and not try to milk you for more.”

“Very generous of you.”

“Isn’t it though?” His grin faded at the sound of a phone chirp, and he grabbed the device from his pocket. A frown sank in as he stared at the screen.

That couldn’t be good. “Everything all right?”

He gave a brief shake of his head. “I’ve got one of our network wiring partners asking me to lose their number.”

Twice in one day? “Who’d you piss off?” My teasing didn’t come so easily or lightly this time.

“Don’t know. I’ll catch up with you later.” Xander wandered away, still focused on his phone.

Weird. Maybe it was a full moon or something.

I dove into my own work, which occupied my mind for the next few hours. I hit a lull, and my stomach decided to remind me it was after one and all I’d had today was a large coffee. I should go grab something and check my messages while I had a couple of hours where I wasn’t expected to be in meetings.

There was a text waiting for me from Daria, from about half an hour ago.I’m gonna be at Broilers with Brooke in about thirty, if you want to join us.

I checked the timestamp on the message against my clock. I was only about five minutes late. Grilled sandwiches sounded like a good lunch, and Daria and Brooke’s company would be a great way to spend that time.

Seven or eight months ago, before my trip to Milan, I would’ve preferred the working version of eating. Asked Daria if we could make it a meeting, though Brooke didn’t work for or with us.

Today, I just wanted to hang out with my girlfriends.


I sent back a quick note.Just saw this. On my way.

As I walked the short distance to the cafe, the sun chased away the chill in the air, and buoyed my mood. By the time I reached my destination, my mind was light, and I was looking forward to the food and the company.

Daria and Brooke waved to me from their table when I walked in, and returned the gesture before heading to the counter. The man who took my order was the owner. He had a beard down to the middle of his chest that he braided, and tied off with intricate beads. His hair was done in a similar style. He called himself The French Viking and he was a hoot.

When I joined Daria and Brooke, they oohed and ahhed over my new hair.

“I love the purple,” Daria said.

Brooke studied me. “I wish I had the nerve to do something like that. So pretty.”

“You should do it.” Who was I? The woman with theI wish I couldhair, encouraging others to do the same. “I promise, if you love it now, you’ll love it even more when it’s you.” Why was I fighting this Kandace? Why had I ever…?

Brooke twirled a strand of long, dark hair around one finger. “Maybe. I couldn’t cut it that short, though. Deacon says this is the perfect pulling length.” Her cheeks turned pink. “Not that yours doesn’t look incredible at that length. You really look good. Like, happier.”

“She’s right. You’ve almost got a glow to you.” Daria chimed in. “New project? New car? New guy? What has you in such a great mood?”

“Life.” Also, two new guys. “It’s a good day. I have good company.” The response came easily. I really did feel good, just in a general great mood kind of way.

Their sandwiches arrived, and while I insisted they not wait for me, they insisted they would. A short while later, I had my food as well.

“What brings you to town, Brooke?” I asked as we dug in.

She lived in the same town as Lyndsay. The same place Eli and Joystick were staying.

“Dropping off some scrap for Quentin. He says he’s working on something spectacular.” Brooke picked stray pieces of bacon from the edge of her sandwich and nibbled.
