Page 85 of The Exception

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Joystick and Gage worked together to cater the event, which Andrew wanted to keep simple and not at all elegant. Joystick insisted on picking up’ the tab, as a gift tohis favorite brother-in-law.

I liked hearing my brother referred to that way, because of what it implied for my relationships.

Joystick’s themed bar opened in just a couple of days, and this was a trial run of sorts for his staff. We’d timed everything to work out this way—the movie, the restaurant opening, all of it. Carly, Raul, and Diego had even flown in.

Apparently just a few weeks ago, when Carly had been traveling for business, she’d run into Isabella mopping floors at a pub in London. Isabella had stammered something, and Carly’s response wasI’m just surprised you’re capable of honest work.

I didn’t see Carly and her men among the moving crowd scattered with pockets of people who stopped to catch up, but they were here somewhere. They’d left their daughter, Eloise, with Daria for the night. Harmony and Eloise had been so excited for their first ever best friends’ sleepover.

Lucas wandered off with Susan, to meet some of the people he’d only ever heard stories about.

Eli, Joystick, and I grabbed some food and found an empty spot in the room to watch. I swore Joystick was more fidgety than normal, glancing around everywhere, not really eating, and not mingling at all.

Was he that nervous about debuting his restaurant’s specialty? That didn’t seem right.

“Hey, boss lady.” Carly’s happy greeting cut through my thoughts. She joined us, along with Raul and Diego, and everyone exchanged hugs and handshakes.

“Manyour childhood was fucked up,” Carly said. “And yet, you turned out awesome.”

Raul nodded at her. “What she said.”

Diego shook his head with his lips pursed. “The movie was very well done, and I have even more respect for you now.”

“Thank you.” I wasn’t sure what to say to any of that.

They drifted away to talk to other people, and I stepped back to watch the crowds. I was so happy for Andrew and the reception this was getting. Eli, for doing such an incredible job bringing it to life. For Joystick and the compliments his food was getting.

And overall I just loved watching all of this with the men I loved by my side.

Andrew let out a loud whistle, and most everyone turned to where he stood to the side of the food tables. “I won’t talk long—weird for me, I know, but I promise to let you all go back to your food soon,” he said. “Thank you, everyone, for coming. For your support over the years. Your friendship. Everything. But a single person in this room deserves more thanks than anyone else.”

Who? I looked around me, as others did the same.

“Kandace.” Did Andrew just say my name? “Join me for a minute?”


I was still processing as Joystick nudged me in Andrew’s direction, to a round of applause. When I reached my brother, he pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you,” Andrew said loud enough for the whole room to hear. “For making sure I survived childhood. For being the best big sister-slash-substitute-mother a kid could have. You never should’ve had to do that, and you did. Without question. You deserve the best things in this world.”

Heat flooded my cheeks, and words escaped me.

He leaned closer and murmured, “you don’t have to reply. Just enjoy the gratitude.” His words blended with another round of applause.

I tried to be graceful about smiling and taking the congrats, but was happy to return to my men as the attention shifted from me again. The next few hours passed in a blur of catching up,

As the night wound down, and more people had gone than remained, we decided to be on our way as well. We stepped out onto a street that was quiet and dark, in sharp contrast to the room we’d left behind.

We headed toward home—Joystick took the chance to walk everywhere now that his ankle was better—and I was surprised when he steered us toward the door of his dark restaurant.

“Just a quick detour,” Eli said.


Joystick unlocked the place and let us in. All of the cooking had happened earlier and the clean-up was on the screening site, so it was quiet in here.

Without warning, a faint glow started a few yards away and grew brighter, until one of the tables was lit up with electric candles. Three chairs were placed around it, and a glass dessert dish with fresh berries and cream sat in the middle.
