Page 3 of Old Made Man

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A flash of pain flares in me and I turn away from the blond bombshell. Its best to just leave it alone, pretend we never met and that I never looked into eyes that overflow with warmth or imagined kissing lips sweet enough to sing a man to sleep every night. I clench my fists from the grief.

Damn her!

Damn her for being so seductive, so alluring and unattainable. My need for her tears in me as I listen to her harsh, little breaths. She’s not entirely unaffected by me and yet I wonder what it is about me that she finds attractive. I’m not a pretty boy, I’m an old man that has seen and done more than most and I’ll take my secrets with me to the grave.

Drinking the last of my pure vodka, I decide to leave the beautiful girl alone but I will always remember her. I’ll always remember her as the little fairy sitting alone in a bar and not cowering in front of a man like me. I’ll still listen to her voice on the radio, still jerk off to it alone in my bed...

Fuck, I’m disgusting and I need to get a grip...Grunting inwardly I shake my head and I’m about to leave when she breathes,

“Leaving so soon?” Her eyes meet mine and pink eats up her full cheeks. There’s some hope in that girlish gaze of hers as if she’s imagining rubbing her satin against sandpaper, soiling her day with the night and exchanging her dreams for nightmares.

“Whatever it is that you think you want, you don’t,” I warn and something defiant flashes on her face. “You’re clean and I’m dirty and that’s all you need to know.”

She lifts her chin and it’s a beautiful chin, soft and determined, the kind that challenges a man until his heart is turned inside out. “I think I’m old enough to make my own decisions,” she says and anger flashes in me.

“Don’t fuck with me,” I warn and I’m already balancing on a razors edge. “I don’t like being toyed with.”

Shocked, she stares into my eyes with the innocence of a peacemaker and I feel a flare of guilt. “I’m not toying with you,” she whispers, squirming and I want to clamp my hands down on her thick thighs to keep her still. “’re not dirty.”

“And what would you know about that?” I snap. “You wouldn’t know evil even if it sat beside you, sipping on a drink at a skanky bar.”

Her eyes flare, lower lip trembling and she sharply turns away. “Sorry for bothering you, mister,” she says heatedly. “I’ve learned my lesson and I won’t do it ever again.”

Torment cuts in my chest. She was never bothering me. I’m the one who bothered her, the one who’s been watching her ever since I heard her voice on the radio. I followed her in my car when she was done with work and I walked into this bar because I knew she’d be here.

I’m the one responsible for this entanglement and not her. I was the one who broke down when I saw the way her hips whip with each of her pirouetting steps, I was the one unable to leave her alone. I’m the one to blame.

“If I sounded harsh...,” I begin but she cuts me off.

“Forget it...I have nothing more to say to you.”

I stare at her strapless, naked back and it causes lust to flare in me and every cell in my body wants her. There’s a monster inside of me, restrained by hawsers and it roars for her, knowing she can set him free but she could get bit. Her back trembles as if she’s on the verge of tears and I want to breathe her in over and over until there’s nothing left of me for her to fill.

If I stay any longer, it’ll kill me and I get up right when two guys decide to hit on Silver. They come up on either side of her, leering and their eyes plaster all over her.

“You look lonely sitting here by yourself,” one of them says with a grin. “Need some company after all, don’t you?”

The other one slides a finger down her spine, causing her to flinch and I see red.

I might never be allowed to touch her but I’ll kill anyone who does. If I can’t make her mine then I’ll at least make sure that nobody else does.



Growling, I yank the two men off of her and Silver gasps in surprise, turning around and something flickers in her gaze when she sees the look on my face. The men are young, roughly twenty years my juniors but they both wobble when I slam my fist into one jaw and then the other. Grabbing them around their collars, I haul them across the liquor stained floor and people stay out of my way.

The music has silenced, the barflies holding their breaths and the bartender is reaching for the phone in case he’ll need to call the cops but there’s no need for enforcement. Iamthe enforcement and kicking the door open, I shove the jackasses out, my boot landing on their backs and they fall into the mud.

Cursing at them and warning that I’ll kill them if they ever go near her again, I watch them run away. When I turn around, people stare at me and a mature woman whimpers in the corner as if the roughhousing bothered her but I don’t care about any of them.

My eyes go to Silver and the ceiling lights seem to point to her, as if they know she’s the icing on the cake. A shaken expression stuns her features before a smile curves her mouth. It’s bashful at first but when I walk up to her, it transforms into something that warms my bones until I feel reborn and recharged as a man.

“You just defended my honor right there,” Silver breathes, lowering her lashes. “I don’t know how to thank you.” She pinches her lips. “At least let me buy you another drink.”

Another drink means spending more time with her and the more time we spend together the more dangerous it becomes. A girl like her should never spend too much time with a man like me, she might make him lose his reason, lose the little morals he has left because all he wants is to have her, even if it’s just for one night.

“No,” I rasp and my throat burns from how hard it is to force the words out, “I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
