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“Yeah, you are,” I say, sitting up in bed next to Gigi just in time for Georgie to come barreling into my arms and knock me right back down to my pillow, her squeals waking her baby sister.

Gigi reaches over and takes little Sara out of her bassinet and holds her close to her chest as she soothes the screaming baby. Georgie crawls in between me and Gigi, and I pull her in close before pressing a big kiss to her cheek, “Happy birthday, my big girl.”

She beams up at me, but a baby is soon thrust into my arms as Georgie is stolen from beside me and pulled into Gigi’s arms. “Happy Birthday,” Gigi booms as she squishes Georgie into her so hard I fear her head might pop off.

Georgie giggles, but it’s not over yet as Gigi pins her to the bed and starts smothering her with kisses. She squeals and laughs, trying to push Gigi off her, not getting away with it until little baby Sara starts crying for her breakfast.

We switch children and Gigi whips her tits out before getting the baby fed. I watch with pure joy. Sara is only two months old, and I still get the biggest thrill out of watching Gigi with her. Georgie never got to do this stuff with her mom, so it’s all new for me.

It’s fucking incredible.

“Do I get presents?” Georgie asks, standing on the bed and bouncing so hard the baby pops off Gigi’s tit, sending milk squirting across the bed.

“You sure do,” I laugh, climbing out of bed as Gigi hastily shoves her tit back in the baby’s mouth and starts mopping up the spilled milk. “But you have to go put your slippers on.”

With that, she bolts out the door, and Gigi and I meet her on the staircase, the baby still clutched in Gigi’s arms. We make our way down the stairs as a family, and as we reach the bottom, I turn and glance down at Georgie. “You need to close your eyes,” I tell her.

She grins up at me and puts her hand over her eyes, with her fingers slightly splayed so she can peek right through the cracks. Knowing my daughter too well, I pull a blindfold out of my pocket and wrap it around her head as she groans, then just for good measure, I spin her a few times.

She giggles as I guide her down the hallway with Gigi following behind to record the moment, and I open the door to the room we currently have all her toys stashed in. “Happy Birthday, beautiful girl,” I tell her, removing the blindfold.

Her eyes bug out of her head as she takes in the room that my brothers and I spent all of yesterday redoing. Rather than a plain room with toys in it, it’s now been transformed into a very pink princess castle filled with everything a princess could possibly need.

“Wow,” she screams before diving straight in.

I turn back to Gigi and give her a massive grin that matches the one already plastered on her face. “That couldn’t have gone any better,” I tell her as I step back and wrap my arm around her waist, both of us looking in on our birthday girl.

Gigi finishes feeding Sara before handing her off to me and disappearing to the kitchen, and I get comfortable in Georgie’s castle while she goes absolutely nuts, playing with everything.

Soon enough, Gigi returns with a massive stack of pancakes and sits down beside me as Georgie’s nose acts as a food radar and comes crashing down between us, narrowly missing her sister.

Leaning back against the wall, I sit with my perfect family, watching as they inhale their pancakes. I’ve been through hell to get here, and while there’s still a dull ache that will forever reside in my chest, I’ve never been happier. I have the most beautiful children in the world and have a wife who blows me away every damn day.

My heart still hurts each and every time I think of Sara, but I know that it was her who has given me this life. She watches over us, and I don’t know how, but I’m certain that she brought Gigi to me when I needed her most, and for that, I’ll never be able to thank her enough.

My thoughts are cut short when Georgie bounces into my lap. “Can we get ready for my party now? Pleasssssssse Daddy.”

Gigi laces her fingers through mine and gives them a squeeze. When I look over at my gorgeous wife, my heart races seeing the most radiant smile across her face. “Yeah, kid,” I smile back down at Georgie, my heart never so full. “Let’s get ready.”
