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My eyes widen, but the sound of the engine drowns out what he’s saying. Did he say this isn’t safe? “Holy shit,” I curse as the nerves take over me. The bike rumbles under me, the sound deafening as I feel the vibration right through the seat, forcing me to adjust myself before I unintentionally get off on his bike.

Wowza. That, I was not expecting.

“Okay, remember, slowly release the clutch and give it a little go,” he instructs, talking to me the same way he had spoken to Georgie when teaching her how to ride her four-wheeler. But honestly, I appreciate the extra effort. I need all the help I can get.

I concentrate as hard as possible before slowly releasing the clutch and hitting the accelerator, trying to get the timing just right. The bike jolts forward before instantly stalling, sending me rocking forward toward the handlebars. “Shit,” I screech as I grip onto them for dear life.

“You’re fine,” Sean laughs as he quickly grabs the dirt bike to stop me from falling to my death. “You released the clutch too fast.” He moves in close, one hand on the handle beside mine, the other on the seat behind me before kick starting the bike again. “Give it another try.”

“Ahh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” I mutter under my breath as I try my hardest, ignoring the vibration under my lady taco and concentrating on the stupid clutch. I slowly release it and somehow manage to coordinate myself enough to twist the accelerator. The bike lurches forward, putting across the property, and as I move away from Sean, I find myself completely on my own with panic soaring through my chest, despite going slower than a snail.

Shit. I’m riding a fucking dirt bike.

My hands clench around the handlebars, scared for my life as I try to navigate through the grass and dodge the rocks and ditches. Keeping my gaze locked on the path ahead, I see the stupid mud puddle and instantly freak out.

I’m not ready for this shit.

I try to turn to avoid it, but it’s too late, I go straight through, but with my speed so slow, the bike doesn’t find traction and slides through the mud like a fucking Slip-N-Slide, throwing me off balance. I quickly lose control of the bike and fall to the side, having to throw myself right in the mud to avoid the bike coming down on top of me.

“FUCK,” Sean roars, already in a sprint to get to me. He comes straight for me, not having a single care for the bike I just dropped. “Are you okay?” he questions, his eyes wide as they scan over me from head to toe.

“Yeah, I think so,” I tell him as he offers me a hand to help me up, but realizing I can’t touch him without covering him in mud again, I wave him off and get to my feet. Chunks of mud drop off me as I notice the scratches across my palms. “The mud softened my landing, so it’s nothing but a bruised ego and a few scratches.”

“Shit,” he curses, glancing down at the mud covering me. “I brought you here to try and thank you, not to kill you.”

“I’m fine. Despite the mud, I’m actually having a really good time,” I tell him as he picks his bike up off the ground. “Sorry,” I say, waving toward the muddy bike. “I hope I didn’t scratch it.”

“Don’t worry,” he smirks. “This bike has seen worse falls than that.” He kickstarts it again and indicates for me to get back on. “Are you going to give it another try?”

I cringe and really don’t want to, but at the same time, I don’t want him to think I’m not the girl who can get back up and shake it off. “Okay,” I sigh as I throw a leg over and get comfortable, hoping I haven’t lost my magic touch.

Grabbing hold of the handlebars, I gasp as pain shoots through my palms.

“What’s wrong?” he asks as I pull my hands back.

I flip them over and study the scratches on my palms before trying to rub the lingering mud onto my pants. “Nothing. They just sting when I hold the handles,” I explain.

“Shit,” he sighs before pressing his lips together as if deep in thought. “Move forward.”

My brows furrow, but I do as I’m told before mentally freaking out when he climbs on the bike behind me—his wide chest pressing up against my back as I feel his thick thighs resting beside mine. Hell, don’t even get me started on what I feel against my ass.

My, oh, my. Maybe dreams really do come true.

Sean reaches around me to grasp the handlebars, and the strangest feeling flutters through me as my heart starts to race. “Hold on,” he murmurs, his warm breath tickling the back of my neck and sending goosebumps soaring across my skin.
