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Sean looks down at me, a smile playing on his lips as my heart races. His smile begins to fade as a seriousness creeps into his eyes, and I suck in a breath, watching as his dark eyes become hooded and drop to my lips.

Oh, please, God. He’s got me all the way out here, covered in mud. Just close the gap and kiss me. If I was a brave woman like Mel, I would do it myself. I’d throw myself into his strong arms and melt into him as I push up onto my toes and claim everything I want.

He starts to lean, and I find myself holding my breath, only he doesn’t come any further, and a wave of devastation pounds through my chest. His gaze flicks away, and as deep regret flashes in his dark eyes, his lips pull into a tight line. “We should go,” he says, crushing my hopes and dreams. “Georgie worries when I’m gone too long.”

I try to school my features and pretend like I’m not dying inside.

“Oh, sure,” I say.

So. Fucking. Close.

I walk back over to the dirt bike while pocketing the smooth, white rock and climb on the death machine, wondering what it is about me that repulses men. With disappointment heavy in my chest, Sean throws his leg over to straddle the dirt bike before kick starting it. He gets comfortable behind me and takes off at the speed of light, both of us in a very awkward silence.

We get back to the rest of his family, and I hop off the dirt bike, feeling uneasy. Walking over to where the kids are playing on the ground, I worry my lip, deep in thought when I feel someone watching me. Glancing up, I find Tom’s inquisitive stare flicking between me and Sean, the distaste in his eyes clear as day, making me wonder what the hell I did to make him not like me.

I join the kids on the ground and enjoy watching them play while everyone else sits around laughing at Sean’s recap of me falling right into the mud. I laugh along, trying to pretend as though I’m okay as we all enjoy the afternoon in the beautiful Denver sunshine, knowing it won’t be long until winter truly sets in.

My phone chimes beside me, and I scoop it up, finding a new text from Mel.

Mel – Have you been thoroughly screwed yet?

I roll my eyes, but I’m not really feeling it right now, usually, she’d have me in stitches, but all I can think about is the almost kiss.

Gigi – If you mean screwed over, then yes! The only action I’ve got is from the dirt bike between my legs.

Mel – Shit, that bad?

Gigi – Yeah, I thought it might have been going great, but I was wrong.

Georgie demands my attention, and I toss my phone to the ground to give the little angel whatever it is she desires, wondering why I’m still hanging around. I mean, sure. I’m still kind of having a good time, but I’d prefer to be back at home, wallowing in self-doubt.

It’s not long before Sean comes and bends down to speak to Georgie, his gaze quickly flicking to mine before focusing on his little girl. “Daddy’s going for a ride with the boys, okay?”

“Okay, Daddy,” she says.

“Be a good girl.”

She ignores his comments and continues with her game, and I have to grin at the scowl she manages to put on her father’s face, kinda wishing I could put one there myself.

With the boys gone, I grab my phone off the ground and join the girls. “So,” Elle smiles the second the boys disappear out of sight, making me realize I’m about to be drilled. “Is something going on between you two?”

“I don’t know,” I sigh, honestly. “I thought maybe he liked me and that’s why he invited me out here. I mean, I get wanting to say thank you for helping Georgie last weekend, but inviting a random girl out to a family thing is a lot, right? I think I got my hopes up, but he’s not interested.”

“You don’t think?” Cassie questions.

I shrug my shoulders. “You guys know him better than I do, but I don’t know. Maybe he thought he was interested, but I was standing right there and he backed off,” I confirm.

A strange look flutters through the girls’ eyes and I can’t help but feel as though I’m missing something. They share a glance between themselves before Bri looks back at me with a curious stare. “And how do you feel?”

Despite the confusion overwhelming my every thought, I can’t keep the smile that spreads across my lips, and just like that, my answer is given way before I’ve said a single word. “I’m not going to lie,” I say, no point in hiding the truth now. “He’s drop-dead gorgeous, and the way he is with Georgie . . . there’s no denying there’s something there, but I don’t really know him well enough to make up my mind.”
