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“I hate the way you put yourself down like that,” she tells me. “You are honestly so fucking beautiful, any man would be lucky to have you, especially this guy. Swipe right, Gi. Give yourself a shot. Who knows, he might be the one you get your stupid mansion and filthy married sex with. But I’m good. I already have my screw for the night,” she tells me, a wicked grin stretching across her face. “He’ll be here in half an hour.”

“Shit, Mel,” I laugh as she gets up to refill her glass again. “You work fast.”

“Sure do,” she grins excitedly as she comes up behind me and plucks the phone out of my hand, instantly swiping right on Sean while I scramble to get my phone back.

“Fuck, Mel,” I shriek, finally curling my hands around the phone, but it’s far too late now. The damage has been done. “What did you do that for?”

“Because your bitch-ass never would have done it yourself,” she says. “I want you to get your filthy husband sex and it’s never gonna happen if you don’t put yourself out there. Besides, you and I both know that you’re going to spend all night staring at his picture and committing it to your mental spank bank. At least this way, you might get the chance to see him for real.”

Ahhh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I should have expected this.

Mel gives me a cheesy, triumphant grin before dashing up the hallway. “I’m going to shower before my date shows up,” she yells over her shoulder.

“I don’t think you can classify that as a date,” I call back.

“Fine,” she says before correcting herself. “I’m going to shower before my latest screw shows up.”

“That’s more like it,” I laugh.

Being that girl who couldn’t possibly let a perfect stranger she’ll never see again walk into a messy home, I get up and start cleaning up after us and putting our apartment back together. As I’m finishing my quick clean, Mel comes out of the bathroom in the sexiest lingerie I’ve ever seen and struts her stuff, giving me the full effect. “What do you think?” she questions, turning around to show me the way her ass sits in her thong, especially proud of it after spending hours in the gym.

“Not bad,” I tell her. “If you’re lucky, I might even screw you too.”

She rolls her eyes before heading into her room and coming out wearing her silk robe, and I shake my head, realizing she isn’t even going to pretend to do the whole date thing. She’s keeping it simple—make the walls shake, then kick him out without any promises to do it again.

Mel goes to drop onto the couch when there’s a knock at the door, and she sends me a wicked grin before starting across the apartment to answer it. Pulling it wide, she takes one look at tonight’s challenge, decides she likes what she sees, grabs him by his shirt, and pulls him into the apartment. His eyes go wide as he takes her in. Within seconds, her legs are wrapped around his waist, and he’s walking them down the hallway toward Mel’s bedroom as she points out which room is hers.

With Mel getting busy, I slip into the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind me before running a bath. After going all out with candles and bubbles, I slip into the warm water and do my best to relax. Only Mel was right about one particular Tinder account that keeps flashing in my mind.

I’ve never been on a Tinder date before, and the idea is honestly freaking me out. What if the guy matches and actually wants to go out? What then? I definitely don’t have the guts to follow through on that, especially not with a guy who looks like a walking sex machine.

Who am I kidding? If he even gets in touch with me, it’s going to be for a quick screw and nothing more. He might take me out first, but we all know his end game is with me on my knees and his dick halfway down my throat. Though, it might just be worth it.

A guy that looks like that isn’t interested in dating and settling down.

The question is if I’m willing to give him what he wants or if I’m too fucking scared to live a little.

Chapter 3


Georgie and I have been spending the day with my family at my sister’s new place. Cassie and Jaxon have been building this property for what seems like a lifetime, and it was finally finalized a few months ago, and I can’t lie, it’s fucking beautiful. Naturally, my brother, Carter, built and designed it for them. He made sure it was absolutely perfect for our little sister because honestly, nothing else would have been acceptable. And as expected, his crew has done an incredible job. She may be married and moving on in her life, but she’ll always be our little sister, and my brothers and I will never stop caring for her.
