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The last part was a damn lie. “That’s too bad. Like I said, I owe Xavier, and I’m going to follow through on what I promised him.”

“No, you’re not. Not unless you plan to follow orders, because I’m—”

I did the one thing I knew would shut him up. I kissed him.



Suddenly, Darren was on me. His hand cupped my face, holding me in place as he kissed me. I tried to fight him. I was angry. I hated him, but his lips on mine felt so good. I wanted to laugh that he’d sworn he wouldn’t kiss me again, but my mouth was busy.

I grabbed his hips and hauled him over the console and onto my lap. He was straddling me in the front seat. It was broad daylight, and we were in a random parking lot, but I didn’t give a damn.

We were supposed to be on the run. We were supposed to be in hiding, but all I wanted to do right then was rip his pants off, force him down onto my dick, and fuck him as hard and rough as he had fucked me earlier.

He gasped as I forced his legs farther apart, bringing our bodies together. What the hell was he doing kissing me? Trying to shut me up? Trying to make me forget what he’d done? That wasn’t going to happen, but at least for the moment, I was in control. He might’ve started this, but I was going to finish it.

All my anger shifted into lust, and I was just as desperate to have him as I’d been when he had me pinned down across the bed.

I expected him to fight me, but he didn’t. He just kissed me harder, hands sliding into my hair, fingers gripping, pulling it from my scalp. I didn’t care. I wanted it rough like this. I wanted to forget. I wanted to erase everything that had happened for the last few days.

Almost everything. As stupid as it had been, the time in bed with him had been incredible. I hadn’t had sex like that in a very, very long time. Despite the fact that he thought he could have anything he wanted, I didn’t think Darren had either.

I lost myself in the heat of his mouth and the feel of his hard cock rubbing against mine. I hated the layers of clothes between us. He couldn’t pretend to be cold when I could feel his warm skin on mine.

Suddenly Darren’s hands weren’t in my hair anymore. They were on my chest, trying to shove me away. I held on tightly, but he eventually freed himself because I wasn’t willing to truly hurt him. “We can’t do this here.”

“You started it.”

“I had to do something to get you to shut up.”

I grinned. “Feel free to try that anytime.”

“So you like kissing but you hate me and everything I’ve done?”

“Yes.” But even as I said it I knew it wasn’t true. I wanted it to be, but it wasn’t. Darren had gotten under my skin. There was just something about him. I still wanted to break him, but I also wanted to put him back together.

Somehow, Darren managed to move off my lap and back into the driver’s seat with grace, the bastard. “We need a plan.”

“Or we could just keep driving.”

“And eventually hide out somewhere like your no-tell motel?”

“I could hide us. How long do you think you’d survive in the wilderness with me?”

Darren narrowed his eyes. “I think you’d survive about thirty minutes at best before I killed you and headed back home.”

Despite my anger and the seriousness of the situation, I laughed. Darren started to laugh too, and we ended up cackling and holding our sides in a stolen car in some unknown town. I realized I was having fun with him, and that was exactly what had been missing in my life.

When we both stopped laughing, we simply stared at each other for a few moments. Darren was the first to speak. “We need to ditch this car here and get another one.”

I shook my head. “We’re heading straight to the airport. We’ll leave the car there in long-term parking. We’re getting out of here by plane.”

Darren stared at me like I’d lost my mind. “You were the one who didn’t want to check into a hotel where you were expected to leave a name and a credit card. Now you want to get on a plane? These men were already tracking us when we thought we were keeping a low profile. They’ll easily track us on a commercial aircraft, and we obviously can’t take my plane.”

“I’ve got some friends. They’re also X’s friends. We’ll use their plane.”

“Who are these friends?”

“The Marchesi family.”

“Holy fuck. It’s been years since I’ve seen Lucien.”

“He’s doing quite well. I was just with them before this… Damn, I guess it’s not really an assignment, is it?”
