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“He did, but he failed to include any details.” Grant’s eyes went hard and cold.

“That’s not important. What’s important is getting rid of them.”

“That’s a bit more complicated than you’re making out,” I said.

TJ snorted. “No shit. These guys are deeply involved in a terrorist organization. This isn’t small-time shit.”

Fox growled. “Do you think I don’t know that?”

“I think you’re involving us in something deadly, and I need details.”

“You told me to come here if I ever needed anything. If that’s no longer true, we’ll leave.”

Yikes. He was really hitting low.

“And I meant it,” Grant said, expression softening. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Suddenly, the group shifted until they encircled me and Fox. I didn’t like it, but they were right to prevent us from leaving.

I had no doubt I’d be butting heads with most of them, but as soon as Fox had introduced me, I knew these men would do everything necessary to protect him. That meant I trusted them because this mission had become extremely important to me.

“We can’t make a plan if you don’t give us details,” Ghost said.

“I can’t fucking talk about it.”

I laid a hand on Fox’s shoulders and saw several of the men give me a pointed look. “I don’t think you took a long enough nap. Why don’t you go on upstairs and get some more rest while I make some plans.”

“You can’t—”

“I’m the one Xavier put in charge of this operation.”

“Without consulting me.”

“I think Darren has a great idea.” Jacob stepped forward, and I gave him an appreciative smile, one I reserved for the rare people who made me happy.

“None of that,” Grant huffed.

“Wow. You need to calm down.” Jacob pushed at Grant’s shoulder, but he was smiling as he turned to Fox.

“You’ve got the same room you had last time.”

“I don’t need to be put to bed like a child.”

“You need a break to calm down,” I said.

“You have no idea what I need.”

I gave him a cold look that must have reminded him I knew exactly that, and I was going to make sure he got it. I didn’t think he wanted that to happen in front of his friends, though.

“Fine,” he said and stomped off.

“I’m going to go talk to him,” Rhys said, his voice calm. He’d known Fox a lot longer than I had, so I figured he must know what he was doing. Fox could be his problem for a while.

Rogue looked at me with an evil grin on his face. “That was rather impressive.”

Ghost nodded. “I’ve never seen anyone but Blade handle Fox like that, and that was only before…”

“From what I hear, Blade managed him quite well in Boston.”

“Should we get Blade down here?” Rogue asked.

Grant turned to me. “Do we need reinforcements?”

I sighed. I wanted to say no, but the truth was, this thing was big and sounding bigger all the time. I wasn’t sure how much Xavier knew that he wasn’t telling me. I hoped to hell he hadn’t sent me on a suicide mission. I didn’t think he hated me that much.

“Maybe. The problem is, I only have the information Xavier gave me and the little bit of information I’ve been able to squeeze out of Fox.”

“What methods did you use for that?” Rogue asked, snickering and punching TJ in the arm. The big man winked at him. I gave them both a cold look, but that didn’t do anything to diminish Rogue’s laughter.

“Rogue, don’t you have something to do in the barn?” Grant asked.

“And miss this? Hell no.”

Grant glanced around at all of them. “Maybe this isn’t the time for a group brainstorm. Darren, you come with me.” He turned, expecting me to follow.

“I don’t take orders from you.”

“Ooooh,” Rogue and TJ hollered.

“Enough,” Ghost said. “Come on. Let’s go to the barn.” He hustled the two of them out the door. Jacob said he needed to finish making dinner, and that left Grant and me facing each other.

“You chose to come here. You’re on my turf now. I make the rules here.”

I thought I might’ve heard Jacob laugh from the kitchen. I couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, but I hoped I was right.

“My orders come straight from Xavier, and they are to protect Fox.”

“Then there’s no reason we should have a problem. We both want the same outcome.”

“I make my own plans.”

“Not here you don’t.”

I blew out a long breath. “This is going to be a hell of a mission.”

“It sure is. At least that’s one thing we agree on.”

“Grant,” Jacob called. “Are you causing trouble with our guest?”


That time I was sure he laughed.

Grant ran a hand through his hair. “Look. Let’s sit down and see what we can come up with.”

“All right.”

I didn’t like to make compromises but knew sometimes it was necessary. I also knew Xavier trusted Grant’s judgment. Having him involved would make it even better, though.
