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I did, and he moved his hand faster. “You need this, don’t you?”

I nodded, not sure I could form words.

“I need it too. I need you. I need to pleasure you. I need to be with you.”

“Fuck.” I couldn’t hold back another second. Cum shot from my cock, coating Fox’s hand, and seconds later, he groaned and drove deep into me. I felt the heat of his release as he worked into me with shallow thrusts.

When he was done, he rolled to his side, making me gasp as his cock slid from my ass. He pulled me on top of him, and we lay there, trying to catch our breaths.

The longer the silence extended, the more awkward I started to feel. The mission was over. Soon we’d have to go back to our regular lives—not that either of us led lives that were all that regular. But I didn’t want to leave him. I had no idea how to make this work, but the thought of not trying twisted a knot in my stomach.

Fox was the first one to speak. “I told you we’d never work together.”

I tensed and pushed myself up to sitting. “Fox, listen—”

“That was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever said. I don’t care if we make sense. I don’t care if you think it’s impossible. I’m not leaving you. I’ll need to do some more missions, but I’ll come back every time, even if you try to hide.”

He wanted to try this. Things were going to be okay. “Do you think that’s what I want? To hide from you?”

“I don’t know, but I won’t stand for it.”

“Fox. I wasn’t going to let you leave. If I had to tie you up and drag you there, I was going to bring you home with me. You said X owed you a vacation, and we’re taking that time together.” The words were out before I thought them through. I never took vacations, and now was a terrible time. Lawson was going to kill me, but he’d manage somehow because I was doing this.

“And then?” Fox asked.

“You’ll move in with me.”

“Did you just…”

“Spontaneously say we’d live together? Yes. Are you going to turn me down?”

“Fuck no. I was going to do it anyway.”

“You know, if we’re going to be living together, I should probably know your real name.”

Fox shook his head.

“I’ll just get it out of Xavier.”

“Fine. It’s Randall.”

I held back a smile as I pretended to study him carefully. “No. That doesn’t suit you. I’ll stick with Fox.”

“Good choice.”

“So this is it? We’re together?” I shook my head. “It really must be that damn ranch.”

“No,” Fox said. “It’s just you. You made me love you.”

“I think that worked the other way around.”

“Does it matter?”

I considered that for a second. “No, I suppose not.”

“Kiss me.”

“Any time.” I pulled him to me, and the kiss we shared was the best one we’d had yet.




I’d been gone nearly two weeks. X warned me this assignment wouldn’t be as fast as most he’d sent me on recently, but neither of us had thought it would take this long.

I’d missed Darren every second that I’d been away. How had I lived so many years without him? I didn’t even want to be away from him for a day anymore. Darren had more money than I could conceive of, so I could quit taking assignments from X and be a kept man, but I knew if I did that, I’d eventually go stir-crazy.

I wanted Darren by my side and in my bed all the time, but I couldn’t just sit around waiting for him to be finished with work, and I had a feeling he welcomed the occasional short break since I’d shattered everything about his controlled, quiet world. Of course, I still texted him as often as I could from my burner phone. I wasn’t supposed to give him the number, but X was fucking crazy if he thought Darren and I were going to spend days without talking. I was already going through withdrawal from not touching him.

I didn’t even bother going to our apartment. When I’d let Darren know I was leaving the airport, he’d said he’d head home soon, but his phone location said he was still at the office, so that’s where I had the driver drop me off.

I’d visited Darren’s office enough over the last few months that the staff working the concierge desk knew me, and the man there waved me on through the lobby. I took the elevator to Darren’s office on the top floor. I didn’t think it had ever moved so slowly. I was so ready to see him that I leapt through the doors and practically ran down the hall to his office.

“You’re back!” Lawson said from his desk at the entrance to Darren’s executive suite.
