Page 40 of Boss Agreement

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That was my old life. The one that’s waiting for me when this month is over. Empty. Meaningless. Yes, I was good at every piece of that life, and I’m actually kind of terrible at this new one, but I smile and laugh every single day. Even this morning when I woke up with a terrible hangover.

I drank from a coffee mug with two unicorns fucking. I wore a robe I bought at a thrift store for a dollar fifty with a hole over my right butt cheek, which Addison promises to teach me how to fix. I made eggs and toast for us.

More than anything, I laughed and smiled the entire time. I enjoyed being alive today. There was nothing to look forward to except living. No important meetings. No deadlines. No decisions that will impact the company. Nothing except more smiling and laughing with some work thrown in to pay for life.

My father’s going to try to take it all away from me. He’s going to tell me to give up, to go back to that nearly empty office and buckle down to do more work. To forget the smiles and laughter and be more like him.

My nails dig into my palm as a fist forms. He won’t take this away from me. When my month of freedom is over, I will come back to take my place in this office, but things will be different. I will not be the man that did as he was told. I will not be the dutiful son.

Because the dutiful son was a ghost of a man. A haunted cog in a machine that I barely want any part of at this point.

I walk down the hallway, stiff and ready to battle my father. To do what I have to do, even if it involves walking away from the family, just like Mason.

When I get to Russel Loughton’s office, I’m surprised because I hear laughter. I don’t bother to knock. The door swings open and I see where the laughter came from. My youngest brother, Andrew, is sitting on Father’s desk, a grin on his face.

“And I thought I was the crazy brother,” he says as he hops off the desk. “But giving up the family fortune for a month is something only you’d do.”

I grin as Andrew walks across the room and gives me a hug. It’s been months since I’ve seen him. The only real contact I’ve had with him is over conference calls.

He steps back and says, “Where the hell did you get this shirt? A dumpster? Is that polyester?”

“I went thrift store shopping yesterday. My nine-hundred dollars a week doesn’t go very far.”

Andrew’s eyes open wide, and he shakes his head. “Fucking Castaway over here. Next, you’ll tell me you’re rubbing sticks together to make a fire for warmth. Jeez, Dad. You’re really letting Phillip live like this?”

My father’s lip curls up just a little. Just enough for me to know that he’s enjoying this. “He chose this. Not me. He can come back to the fold anytime he wants. Which brings me to why I called you up here, Phillip. I’m going to spend the next two weeks in Beijing to deal with permitting issues for that expansion. London’s running well currently, so Andrew will have to manage both the London and New York branches simultaneously. Unless you’re ready to be done with this nonsense…”

The words hang in the air, and Andrew’s brow arches as he looks at me. I know it’ll be a lot of work to manage both branches for Andrew. He’s never been one to have responsibility dropped on his shoulders, so he’ll probably struggle.

But I’ve been the one who’s carried the load forever. I’ve been the one who never got a break. This is my time to let someone else take care of things.

“I’m sure he’ll manage just fine. I have complete confidence in my little brother.”

Father’s grin turns into a glare. “You’re shirking your responsibilities, Phillip, and you know that.”

“No. I’m taking a break.” All the frustrations boil inside me. All the realizations I’ve had since taking a step back come to the surface. “I’ve spent every moment of my life making sure I took care of my responsibilities. I’m not a machine, Father. I want to do things that make me smile for once instead of worrying about this damned company.”

The vein in Father’s throat starts to pulse, a clear sign that he’s pissed, and I don’t care at all. “And just so you’re aware,” I say, staring straight at the man who’s controlled my life since I was born. “When I do come back to run Loughton House, there will be changes. I will delegate, and Iwillhave time to do as I wish. I’ll continue to run Loughton House to the best of my ability, but I will also enjoy my life alongside running the company.”

My father’s fuming, and he stands up, more furious than I can remember him. “And what happens if I disapprove of those changes?”

I smile at him, knowing full-well how mad it will make him. Because I’ve won this, and he simply hasn’t realized it. “Then you can either fire me or get the fuck over it.”

Without paying even one more second of attention to my father, I turn to Andrew and say, “See you around, little brother.”

And I walk out of the office.



Angela’s body quivers as Donovan runs his fingers over her bare skin. “You’re so much more beautiful than I remember,” he whispers. His eyes wander over her body like he’s taking in a piece of fine art. She’s never felt like this, so completely at ease with a man she feels like she barely knows.

Even though he was her first.

“You’re pretty beautiful yourself. Though you’d be even more beautiful if you turned off the lights.” He grins at her before jumping out of bed and moving toward the light switch. The entire time, Angela can’t keep her eyes off his ass. Round and firm, and definitely her favorite place to warm her hands up when they get cold. Even when he complains about her icy fingers.

Maybe that’s part of why she enjoys doing it. To see if he cares enough to be uncomfortable for her. Is that her toxic trait? He does laugh every time she does it…
