Page 41 of Boss Agreement

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When the lights are off, Donovan crawls into bed next to her and puts his arm under her pillow and wedges himself next to her. His hand goes to her neck, and he cranes down to kiss her. Not hot and heavy like earlier when he was on top of her. Instead, it’s soft and sensual. Loving.

Angela doesn’t remember ever feeling this way before. This completely at ease…

My phone buzzes,and I sigh as I look to see who it is. My heart sinks.

“Hey Mom,” I say as I click the save button and turn away from the computer. “How’s life?”

“Oh Addison, it’s going so much better. Thanks again for the loan. I’ll repay you as soon as I can.” It was a gift. That’s the only way I can think of any money I send Mom after all these years because it almost never gets paid back.

I pick up my pencil and begin spinning it over my fingers, turning it into a blur like normal. “Is the job with Woodson’s going well? You’re getting along well with everybody?”

“Absolutely. Woodson himself is a little crotchety, but that’s the way it is with old men who have had to deal with a bunch of teenagers working for them for as long as he has. Do you have any idea how lazy some of them are? I caught one girl just sitting in the warehouse scrolling through her phone while she was clocked in. Can you believe that?”

“I sure can, Mom. I hope you’re not picking up bad habits working with teenagers. If you start texting me in the middle of the day, I’m going to call you out on it.”

She huffs. “I’ve never lost my job before, sweetheart. You know that, and I won’t be losing this one so I can text you pictures of cats. Or whatever these kids are doing.”

It’s almost comical because I know how much she’d enjoy all the short videos on Instagram. “I’m glad it’s all working out for you, Mom. Just remember that I’m basically out of money. Living in New York is expensive, and my entry-level job doesn’t pay that well.”

“I’m completely happy here. Don’t worry about me at all. Now tell me what it’s like living in New York. Have you made any friends? Met any boys? Did you get lost on the subways?”

I grin, but hearing my mom after spending so much time with Phillip makes me realize just how different our childhoods were. Where he never had to worry about where his next meal was coming from or whether he’d be able to shower, he never had a loving relationship with his parents. Or at least his dad. I still don’t know anything about his mom.

“I’ve made some friends, and we’ve gone to a karaoke bar twice now. They’re hilarious, and I think you’d like them.”

Mom laughs, and I can imagine her sitting in her easy chair with the TV tray next to her. The old brown shag carpet that’s been in the living room for my entire life. The TV is probably on even though she isn’t watching it, the volume turned way down.

“What about boys? I know that those fancy offices are as slutty as frat houses. I’ve seen the movies, so you can’t even deny it.”

“Mom, I’ve been here for like two weeks. No, I have not gone on dates with slutty office guys. Jeez. I have priorities.” Inside I’m cringing. Not only have I gone on dates with a hot office guy, but he’s currently laying on my couch watching Netflix on his work laptop. Without any clothes on.

“Well, you’ve got to get out there. I know you have your priorities, but sometimes, you’ve just got to live a little. Just remember to use protection. You don’t want to get knocked up and end up…”

Sigh. “I’ve been on the pill since I was fifteen years old, and you know that. I do not need a sperm donor anytime soon.”

“It’s my job to remind you. I love you, Addy.”

“I know you do, Mom. But hey, I’ve got to go. Trying to finish a chapter in my book.”

She’s quick to respond. “When are you going to let me read it? You don’t have to be afraid of dear old Mom getting prudish about a steamy scene or two. You know…”

“Bye Mom. I love you, and I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. I love you too.”

With a sigh, I hang up the phone. I love my mom, but she’s a little much sometimes. At least things are going better for her now.

But as usual, I can’t write after talking to her. I’ve got to get up and do something before I can finish the last five hundred words or so of this chapter. When I walk out of my room, Phillip is sitting at the dining room table, still totally naked.

“Get tired of Gossip Girl?” I ask with a grin.

He shakes his head. “You and your mom have such a pleasant relationship,” he says as he slowly spins a coffee mug on the table. The one he drank out of the first day, “You make me forget batteries”.

“Yeah, other than that she’d probably be homeless at this point if she couldn’t borrow money from me.”

He shrugs. “Money comes and money goes. Having someone like that in your corner isn’t something that happens to everyone.” He looks up at me and gives me a broken smile. It only reminds me again of how fucked up his relationship with his dad is.

“That’s true,” I say. “But don’t you have a brother you’re kind of close with? Why don’t you call him just to chat? I know that’s not really your family’s thing, but itcouldbe. And if you want a relationship like that, you’ve got to do some of the reaching, you know?”
