Page 42 of Boss Agreement

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He nods and chews his lip. Then he looks up at me with a grin. “What do poor people do together? Like, if you wanted to invite people over, but wanted to do something as well so no one’s just staring at each other, what would that entail?”

“A lot of people just sit around and talk. In college, we used to play board games sometimes. Drinking games were definitely an option, though I don’t know how excited I’d be to end up making an ass of myself around anyone these days. Why? Is there someone you’d like to invite over?”

He leans back, his arms behind his head, and the chair leans back just a little along with him. I can hear my Nana in my head yelling at me when I used to do the same thing.You’re gonna crack your head open doing that. And I just mopped, so you’d better not get blood all over the tiles.

“My brother is in town for the next two weeks, and I thought it’d be fun to do something. And maybe give him a chance to meet my ‘roommate’.”

He uses air quotes, and a part of me wonders just what he thinks of us. Sure, we’re sleeping together, but there’s really nothing that will keep us together after his self-imposed poverty is over. We’re just too different. Plus, he’ll be the boss with far too many responsibilities to spend any time with me.

“Maybe,” he says as he spins the mug again, his finger pressing against the handle as his hands twirl it from above. The ceramic slides against the cheap veneer of my table with a scratching sound. “Maybe we could have a game night. Do you think any of your friends would want to play… something? We could make it a lot less intense with more normal people. It’s hard for me to keep from going back to the way I used to be around my family.”

I nod. I understand what he means by that. Every time I talk to Mom, I feel like I did when I was thirteen. That strange combination of looking up to her and being pissed at her for needing help from me. I don’t know why I can’t act the same as I normally do when I’m around my mom.

“That sounds like fun. We’d need to find some good group games, though. Ones that no one’s actually good at. Maybe Pictionary?”

Phillip shakes his head. “Sera’s a graphic designer, and half her portfolio is illustrations. Andrew minored in art at Stanford. I’ll figure something out that we can all be terrible at together.”

He smiles at me, but it’s got a hint of sadness to it. I want to ask him what’s wrong, but it feels like I’d be prying.

I don’t have time to think too much about it because he lets the legs of his chair hit the floor as he stands up with a grin on his face. He walks around the table and says, “But that’s enough about that. If you’re done writing, maybe it’s time to have a little fun…”

He steps toward me, his cock nearly at eye level, and I look up at him, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. He runs his hand through my hair, his fingers tightening just enough that I feel the pressure, and I reach for his balls.

I can’t stop grinning as he groans, but as my nails caress them, I say, “You’re going to have to wait until I finish this chapter up.” I can feel his heart beating through his balls, and part of me wishes I was about to write the next five hundred words of a steamy scene instead of pillow talk.

Phillip groans again, this time in dismay, as I pull my hand away. “For the next thirty minutes, I’m going to sit at my desk and get some work done, but if you can leave me alone, I’m all yours afterward.”

His lip curls up, and he says, “The real question is what you mean by ‘leave you alone’. Does that mean you don’t want me to talk to you? Or does it mean that you don’t want me to pretend to be your naked secretary sitting under your desk while you do your work…”

That actually makes me blush. Thinking about Phillip crawling under my desk is hot, but I don’t know if I could think about anything while he’s down there.

Then he keeps talking, and I blush even more. “Of course, if I did that for you, when I go back to being Director of Publishing, you’ll have to return the favor. I can’t wait to have an over-the-phone meeting with your lips wrapped around my cock.”

Fuck me. For some reason it hadn’t occurred to me that when he goes back to his old position, he might want to do things at the office. I can’t imagine how hot that’d be.

I open my mouth and try to tell him I need to get my words written, but then his cock swells. Instead of saying anything, I give up on the idea of getting work done. I don’t know if this book will ever get written with how easily I get distracted by him.

My mouth stays open just a little too long, and Phillip puts a little pressure on the back of my head. I don’t need much coaxing, though, and without further suggestion, his cock is in my mouth, and my tongue is dancing over the tip.

“If thinking about getting fucked in the office turned you on that much, maybe we need to explore some other options as well,” he whispers.

Other options? What does that even mean? And yes, please? To emphasize how much I like that idea, I push myself down on him, letting his cock touch the back of my throat.

“Oh yes, we’ll definitely have to try some other things,” he moans. “But first, I’m going to get you into bed. I can’t have you getting this worked up without some relief.”

He pulls away from me, and I can’t help but smile at him. Who would have believed that I’d have found a man who could turn me on this much and, at the same time, keep me grinning like an idiot almost constantly? It almost seems like Phillip is a guy out of a fantasy.

Except that he’s right here in my apartment, about to blow my mind with that magic cock once again.

In the back of my mind, a tiny voice is screaming, though. After all these years of catastrophe following every good moment, I know that the other shoe is going to fall at some point.

But right now, I’m lost in a man named Phillip Loughton, and that little voice can’t be heard over the moaning of my very hungry vagina.



The office thrumswith life these days. Now that people understand that I’m not acting like their boss anymore, they’re louder, and I can even hear laughter. A part of me questions if the productivity is still as high as it normally is, but I don’t dwell on it very much.
