Page 47 of Boss Agreement

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And I kiss her. I kiss her like we’re the only two people in the world. She kisses me back with all the fire she’d had in her eyes a moment ago. I may have pissed her off, but she’s just as happy to burn me with her lips as with her eyes.

“You’re still an asshole,” she whispers, but she’s not mad anymore.

“It was funny,” I say as I let go of her hair and take a step back. “But I won’t ever embarrass you. I promise.”

“I almost trust you, but I need reassurance. Drop those pants, Mister. If I’m going to die from shame, you will too.”

I grin, but in a second, my pants and boxers are on the glass, and she’s grinning alongside me. Taking her hand in mine, I pull her toward the pool. We didn’t come here to be naked on a rooftop.

The water’s warm as we walk down the steps together. It’s unnerving looking down and seeing all the fish through the crystal-clear water. I give her a smile and push off into the water. I keep my eyes open as I swim down to the bottom to look at the fish.

The entire time, I’m acutely aware of how different it is to swim without clothes on. Everything floats strangely, and as the water goes by, it tickles.

As I’m looking through the glass that separates me from the fish below, I get a shock as I feel something tug on my cock. My first thought is that I was wrong and there are fish in the pool, too. Terrified that a fish is biting my dick, I whip my head around only to see Addison behind me, bubbles streaming from her mouth as she laughs.

It makes me grin, and I reach out to tickle her, but she kicks backward, floating out of reach. I’m running out of air and head to the surface instead of chasing Addison.

She surfaces only seconds later. “You shouldn’t scare a guy like that. I thought a fish was trying to swallow my dick.”

She laughs again, but not before she says, “Oh, did it make you think about asking the fish to be your roommate, too?”

Now it’s my turn to glare. “You’re hilarious. It didn’t occur to me since I assumed you weren’t looking for any more dick swallowing roommates. Was I wrong?”

She grins but doesn’t respond. “Let’s go look at the fish,” she says and swims down again.

I follow behind her, my eyes on her body as she kicks, mesmerized by the way her body moves in the water. She goes right to the bottom of the pool to watch the fish below us, and I end up right next to her. She points out several beautifully colored fish, and then we have to surface again.

We repeat the motions, going to different areas of the pool each time, and her smile grows. I was nervous about this date idea, but now I’m having a blast, and she is, too.

And then she swims toward the stairs, and I follow her. She sighs as she sits down. “I don’t know how I feel about the whole skinny-dipping thing, but this place is incredible.”

“It is,” I agree. Silence begins to build as she looks over the side of the building at the city that spreads out in front of us. Skyscrapers rise around us, some stopping below and others climbing far higher.

“Why didn’t you do things like this before? Why didn’t you spend your nights playing in places that only the elite are allowed?”

I shrug. “What was the point? Sure, I could have come here before, but I didn’t have anyone then. It would have been pretty, but would it have been worth asking for the favor? Probably not.”

She doesn’t even look at me as she talks. “You could have dated some celebrity. Or a model or basically anybody.”

I shrug again, but I don’t turn to her. “But then they’d be with me for the money. They wouldn’t give a shit about me. Only the bank account.”

“There are plenty of men in the world that would be happy to use that money to have all the fun they could imagine.”

This time, I turn and look at her. My fingers move to her chin, gripping just hard enough that she can’t ignore me as I turn her face to look at me. “I’m not that guy, Addison. I’ve dated people before, but it always boiled down to the same problems. The same issues cropped up every single time. Why wasn’t I spending more money on them? Why wouldn’t I take time off work to take them traveling? Why wouldn’t I do things for them? And remember, most of these ‘relationships’ lasted all of a few months.”

Addison pushes my hand away. “I’d expect you to do things for me if we dated. I’d expect you to spend some of your money on me. Just like I’d do things for you, and I’d spend my money on you. That’s what happens when you date someone.”

I shake my head. “You don’t understand. I know what a relationship is supposed to be, and these weren’t that. I felt like the entire thing was a transaction. I give them money and they spend time with me. That’s not what I want.”

She frowns. “That’s fair,” she says as she stands up and looks down at me. I stare up at her, enjoying the sight. Water runs in rivers down her naked body, curving along her skin in chaotic lines. And all of her glows purple from the reflected lights below us.

“You’re beautiful, Addison. I don’t think I’ve told you that today.”

She grins and for a second, her fingers do a weird little dancing motion. “Well, handsome, you said you’d take me on a sex date, but I’m not going to fuck you at some random rich guy’s house. You’re going to have to figure out something else to get into my pants.”

I can’t help but grin. “Why would I want in your pants? They’re on the ground over there.”

She straddles me, still standing up, and I can feel my cock swelling. Fuck. “Here in a few seconds, they won’t be. So, you’d better start thinking because it’d be creepy, not to mention extremely uncomfortable, to do anything here.”
