Page 27 of A Dangerous Game

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Jonas clutched his hand and intertwined their fingers, pressing a kiss to Derek’s shoulder in silent agreement. Giles gave a nod and then flounced from the room, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Jonas pursed his lips while pulling his shirt over his head. “In flagrante delicto?Do you think that means he … I mean, I have heard of peepholes in such places. He did not actuallywatchus, did he?”

Derek stood from the bed and stooped to retrieve his shirt. “I would not be surprised if there were a secret peephole somewhere in this room. Does the idea of him watching us bother you?”

Jonas rose to his feet, tucking his shirt into his breeches. He left his fall hanging open as he reached for Derek, drawing him close. Their lips met in a tender kiss and Jonas lingered, making it last until Derek felt as if he might swoon. Seven long years he had gone without the sweet touch of a lover’s kiss, because Jonas was the only man he had ever craved that intimacy with. Now that he could feel that sweet embrace of mouths and tongues again, he realized that it had been more than worth the wait.

“Strangely, it does not,” Jonas said once they had drawn apart. “Perhaps he learned something about how lovemaking can be when two people adore one another. Let him see that no one can have you the way I can; no matter how pretty or practiced in the carnal arts.”

“No one,” Derek agreed, nuzzling Jonas’ nose with his. “Now, say it again … that you love me. I quite missed hearing it.”

“I love you, Derek,” Jonas whispered. “I always have, and I always will. I do not care who has had you in the time I was away. In my heart, you were always mine.”

“In my heart as well,” Derek replied. “And, well … I have a confession to make. While I was not a saint while you were away, there were some parts of myself I could not allow anyone else to touch. I never kissed anyone else because it felt like a betrayal. And while I enjoyed some pleasures, I could never allow anyone else to claim the one part of me that only you had touched.”

Jonas’ eyes widened in disbelief. “Surely you are bamming me.”

Derek shook his head. “You are not the only one who has never had anyone else inside of them.”

Jonas grasped Derek’s hips and pulled him in close, pressing his half-hard cock against his lower belly. “You should not have told me. Now I am desperate to have you again.”

Derek rested his hands against Jonas’ chest and pushed him away with a laugh. “Not here, or we shall have Giles to deal with.”

“You are right,” Jonas said, hastily shrugging into his waistcoat. “Hurry and finish dressing so that we may return home.”

“Home?” Derek asked. “Where would home be, exactly?”

“It does not matter,” Jonas replied. “Wherever you are, that is where my home is.”
