Page 133 of Real Regrets

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Uniformed servers move silently through the space with appetizers, and bars have been set up in all four corners.

“Do you want a drink?” I ask Hannah, the first words we’ve exchanged since the end of the ceremony.

“Sure,” she answers, looking around the cavernous space. The ceilings are tall, patterns of stained glass worked into them.

She’s not looking at the flowers or other decorations, I realize. She’s studying the architecture.

It’s an unwelcome but necessary reminder. Hannah has a lot waiting for her. A whole new future spread out ahead. While my life will remain the same, working in a building that I love but am also realizing I hold a lot of resentment toward.

I’m dreading telling my father I’m not accepting his offer. Once I do, I have no clue how he’ll react. It will be taken as a personal affront, no doubt. I’ll be rejecting what he probably sees as a generous concession from my fatherandmy boss.

For the first time, I seriously consider leaving Kensington Consolidated. It’s a thought that’s passed my mind now and again. It was more persistent after everything came out about Candace. But there’s always been something stopping me, and it’s still there now. It’s a part of me. A piece that would hurt to lose. It’s more than a paycheck to me, same as it is for my father.

But thereareother paychecks. Other CEO positions.

And I think, glancing at Hannah as she orders a cocktail from the bartender, some of them are located in California.

“Finally left Kensington Consolidated, Oliver?”

I turn around to face Camden Crane.

He’s an entitled prick I make a point to avoid as much as possible. But my disdain is nothing compared to Crew’s, who supposedly punched him a couple of years ago. I only heard about the aftermath, since it was back when my father confided in me. He was furious Crew jeopardized a business relationship, and even angrier it was because of Scarlett. Crew wouldn’t admit it was, but nothing else would have made him fly off the handle like he did.

“Do you even know where Crane Enterprise’s offices are, Camden?”

He laughs like it was a joke. It wasn’t. Sebastian Crane took a very different approach to his son’s involvement in the family business than my own father did. Camden happily takes a portion of the profits, so he can party and drink his way around the world.

“Life’s too short to spend it in a cubicle.”

“I’m sure your stockholders would agree,” I reply.

Camden chuckles again. He’s always attempted to act buddy buddy with me, probably in an effort to annoy Crew. And I’ve usually tolerated it, because Crane Enterprises is a competitor of Kensington Consolidated and there’s something to be said for thekeep your enemies closeadage.

But I’m not so accommodating now, partly because Crew deserves my loyalty more than the company does, and partly because Camden has noticed Hannah. His expression is lecherous as he watches her pick up a martini glass, and I completely understand Crew’s compulsion to rearrange his face.

“I’ll take a whiskey, neat,” I tell the bartender when he turns to me next.

“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of being introduced,” Camden says, holding a hand out to her. “I’m Camden Crane.”

“Hannah Garner.” She shakes his hand with her free one.

“Are you two…”

“Yes.” My tone is short and clipped.

Camden isn’t deterred. “Do you live in New York, Hannah?”

She toys with the olives in her martini as she shakes her head. “Los Angeles.”

“Great city. If you need a tour guide while you’re visiting, I could probably make myself available. Oliver has a reputation for being a very busy man.”

“I prefer to date men with a work ethic, Camden. Now, if you’ll excuse us…” Hannah walks away before Camden has a chance to respond.

I smile at Camden’s stunned expression. “Nice to see you.”

Then I follow Hannah toward our assigned table.

