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“Look at you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You’re…fuck.” How could he describe the bond he felt with her? “This thing between us is so huge. I’m not strong enough to resist the pull.” There was only one thing, and he wasn’t sure she’d go for it. “Do you think we can keep it between us, though? The other day, at the bus stop, Kinny said she wanted you to stay.”

“She did?” Her soft smile told him she was deeply touched.

“Yeah, so I know she’s getting attached to you. But you’re leaving in August, and I just can’t do that to her.”

“I understand. It’s fine.” She handed him his bottoms and shook out her leggings. “We’ll have our little secret rendezvous.” Dressed, she led the way out of the pantry.

She seemed fine with it, but he wasn’t sure. He caught her around the waist and brought her up to his chest. “Hey, are we okay? I don’t want you to think I’m hiding you.”

“Well, you are. But I understand why.”

After washing her hands, she got back to work, and he took in the organized chaos of her operation. “You can’t keep this up. It isn’t sustainable. You need help.”

“I do, but every cent I make is going to my parents. Not to an employee. Besides, it’s only for the summer.”

He didn’t need the reminder. Then again, maybe he did. “Two of my boys on the Juniors team are suspended right now. They can’t get back on the ice until they complete fifty hours of community service.”

At the stove, she stopped. “You’re not suggesting they work for me, are you? Helping pay my parents back for the wedding that didn’t happen is hardly philanthropic.”

“Sweeping the locker room isn’t much different. Do you want their help?”

“What did they do to get suspended?”


“Oh, that’s okay. I’ll pass. I don’t need testosterone-fueled teens working with me.”

“It’s not like that. I wouldn’t suggest them if I thought they’d cause you trouble. They fought over a girl—Ben hooked up with Jeremy’s ex.”

“Oh. That sucks. Well, in that case...” She came over and wrapped her arms around his neck. “The timing’s really good since I’ve just taken on this new project.”

“Oh, yeah? Which one is that?”

“Project Summer Fling.” She grinned.

But he didn’t find it funny. “That’s not what we are.”

“That’s exactly what we are. And the only way I can do this with you is to keep in mind that I’m leaving. Now, go on and get out of here. Let me get back to work.”

He hated leaving her, hated walking away from how good she made him feel. He gave her one last, lingering kiss. And then, as he headed out, he called over his shoulder, “I’ll text you the address so you can stop by the rink and meet the guys. Make sure you’re comfortable with them.”

At the door, he turned back to see her one last time and found her watching him.

His heart grew too big for his chest. Her smile undid him.

This thing with her was thrilling.

And terrifying.

He could not fuck it up.

He couldn’t hurt this beautiful, sunshiny woman.

My Gracie.


Today at the festival,Grace chose the most upbeat songs. Her smile stretched wider.
