Page 10 of Committed to Her

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I set her away from me, searching her eyes. “I don’t understand. You’re going through with what your grandmother wants? Even though it’s going to keep your parents in her good graces. Why does it even matter? We can just start dating at our own pace and tell all of them to go to hell. I don’t want you to be forced into something that you don’t want.”

She looks into my eyes and grins. “Who says that this isn’t what I want? I absolutely want you. I want to be yours the way I should have been a long time ago. I don’t even give a damn that it means that my parents won’t be cut off.” She sighs. “It sounds like grandmother is going to put them on an allowance anyway.”

“Oof! They’re not going to be happy with that!”

“It’s their own fault. And actually they should have been working a long time ago. If nowhere else, they should be working in grandmother’s company. Something. Anything.”

I nod my head and my eyes lock on her plush red lips. Fuck do I want to bury my dick inside that wet warmth.

Shaking my head, I drag it out of the damn gutter. This woman is more than just a quick lay. She’s my sun, moon and stars. My whole galaxy in one perfect little bundle of happiness.

My everything.

Her lips open and the words I never thought I’d hear slip from her mouth. “I want you, Cal. I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve missed you and it hurt so damn bad every damn night.”

Tears crowd her hazy eyes and my heart kicks. My hands slip up to cradle her jaw, then my mouth touches hers lightly, breathing in her scent. Soft orange and spicy cinnamon. It’s a scent that’s always reminded me of her.

Her lips open under mine and her tongue slips out to touch the tip of mine, twining around it in a little dance that has my heart hammering out of control.

“I need you,” she breathes and the reckless side of me says, “Take her, take her now!”

But the other side of me says to stop right now and wait. Let her think. Don’t rush her.

I set her away from me and sigh. “It’s been a long, trying day, Kitten. I don’t know if you’re thinking clearly but I can’t do anything that might hurt you. Even accidentally. I think it’s best if we don’t rush into this.”

Her grey eyes sparkle and her pupils are the size of dinner plates. “I want this. I really want this. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Cal. It’s been so long,” she whimpers, her fingers dancing along my chest and then dipping down to touch my zipper and making my abdomen suck in, air whistling in my teeth.

“Shit!” I grab her hands between mine and hold tight, clenching my teeth on a groan. “Val,” I moan. “You’re killing me.”

“Good,” she sasses me. My palms itch to turn her over my knee.

“Kitten , stop torturing me!” I grumble, my dick so hard I could pound nails with it.

“How about you stay here with me, we order some food and talk. Maybe watch a movie.”

Her lips pout out and it’s the cutest thing I swear I’ve ever seen. I just want to reach down and bite it.

Finally she nods her head and huffs out a breath. “Fine.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Good. Thank you, baby.” Kissing her cheek, I smile when she huffs out another aggravated breath.

“We’ve got all the time in the world, Val. Let’s find out who we are now.”

She nods and I lead her over to the couch, settling in with her against my side, wondering if I’m dreaming and I’ll wake up without her again, aching to hold her in my arms.

Knowing that once again, she’ll disappear in a cloud of pain as soon as I open my eyes.

She pinches me and I jump, startled, yelping.

“Trust me. I’m real. And so are you.”

And that brings the first real smile to my face in the longest time.

I’ve got my dream. For real.


