Page 9 of Committed to Her

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Idon’t hear anything from Valerie or Hetty for two days. It’s Friday and I’m supposed to be getting married tomorrow.IfI’m getting married.

Shuffling out of the bedroom after I change into my lounge pants, I grab a beer out of the fridge. My head pops up when there’s a knock at the door.

“Coming!” I holler, throwing back the beer and grabbing the door knob. It’s probably one of the guys trying to get me to go out to drink tonight.

I swing the door open and choke on the beer, gasping for air as the drink slides down the wrong pipe.

Valerie’s grey eyes widen and she darts over to me and slaps me repeatedly on the back while I cough like a cat bringing up a fur ball. And I don’t blame her if she does the banging a little too enthusiastically. I know she’s still angry with me.

Finally, my coughing subsides and I stand up straight, backing away from Val.

“Hey Val, what’s up?” My voice is rough and raspy and she moves closer to me. I hold up a hand. “I’m fine,” I cough. She backs away. “What are you doing here, Val?”

Her eyes look down and all I can see is her long, dark lashes on her pale cheeks. “Can I come in?”

My eyebrows lift and I hold a hand out for her. “Come on in. What brought this on, Val?”

“I talked to my parents today.”

Those words bring me pause. But I say nothing. Just wait to see what she’ll say next.

“They admitted that they asked you to leave and let me go away to school like my grandmother wanted.”

I nod my head, waiting, my arms crossed, my throat tight. I know that it hurt her. For some damn reason she just never saw them for the selfish opportunists that they really are.

“They knew that grandmother was worried about it and they were afraid that she’d stop the money if I didn’t do what she wanted. So they came up with going to you.” She bites her puffy red bottom lip and my cock jumps in my pants, pressing so hard into my zipper that it feels like all the blood flow is cut off. She moves closer and her worried grey eyes are locked on me, making my head spin with want for her. Her hand lifts and I watch it like it’s in slow motion until she touches my cheek. My eyes close and I sigh, turning my lips into her palm, feeling her soft scent wash over me, sweeter than candy. Better than anything I’ve ever smelled.

“I’m so sorry, Cal. I hurt you and they hurt you. Everyone hurt you and it’s all my family’s fault. I wouldn’t blame you if you never spoke to me again. If you never forgive me.” Her soft voice cracks and it kills me. I open my lips to stop her but she moves so damn close that her tits are pressed into my chest, her palm over my mouth and everything scrambles into a red haze of lust.

My lips open and my teeth graze her palm gently. She gasps but she doesn’t pull away. I open my eyes and my hands slip around her waist and hips, pulling her tight against me. It feels so good that I hiss under my breath. This is where she was made to be. She was always meant to be mine. Always meant to be held in my arms, protected from that dirty rotten world out there that might want to hurt her.

Or from her asshole parents who didn’t care if they did.

Her head lifts and her eyes close, her red lips parting. Her little pink tongue darts out and slicks across her fullness and I’m so damn hard that my head actually completely blanks out. Like a shark there’s only one thing on my mind right now. My pretty prey.

A growl rumbles out of my chest and her pale cheeks flush bright red. “Caleb?”

The tremble in her gentle voice draws me up short. “I swear I’d never hurt you, Kitten. I’ve never wanted anything but to love and protect you. That’s why I came home eventually. I just couldn’t stay away. No matter what your parents said about me messing up your life.”

Her head shakes, her blond curls sliding across my fingers like raw silk. “You’ve never messed my life up. That’s all on them. They’re the ones that did something that was guaranteed to hurt me. And they didn’t give two shits about it.”

I can hear the heartbreak in her voice. See it in her eyes. The darkness hurting me like a knife to the gut.

“I’m sure that they didn’t mean to hurt you, baby.”

The cynical look she shoots me makes me smile just a little bit. She growls, “I think they didn’t care. Just like always.”

I ache to hold her. Ache to fix this and take away all the trouble and the bad thoughts whirling around in her pretty head.

I settle her head on my chest and sigh, kissing the top of her blond hair. “I’m sorry. I’d like to say that that’s not true. But I think it is, sadly. It kills me that they don’t see you for the treasure you are.”

“I’m no treasure,” she mumbles into my chest and I smile again. “I don’t believe that. You’ve always been this perfect jewel in my eyes. The one thing that I wanted more than anything on this earth.”

“And my parents made sure that neither of us got what we needed and wanted.”

“That’s all in the past, right?”

She nods her head and sighs. “We’ll be married tomorrow and I’m sure you’ll protect me from any more machinations on their part. And I’ll protect you from their stupidity.”
