Page 7 of Committed to Her

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“Fine,” she huffs. “I’ll accept that. Although I have my suspicions. I’ll accept that you want to move forward and forget the past. Just know that you might accept it but it doesn’t go away. It’s always there waiting to rear it’s ugly head. To cause more trouble and heartache.”

Sighing, I whisper, “I accept that, Hetty. And one of these days I’ll tell Val exactly what happened. I’ll make sure she knows. But right now I just want to move ahead with healing.”

“Healing’s good,” she grunts. “Just make sure you don’t fuck up again, young man. I don’t know how many chances I can get you but if you hurt her, I’ll ruin you. Bury you so far down, they’ll never find the body.”

A shiver runs down my spine even as I grin. “I got it, Hetty. I promise you, I’ve got no intention of messing up our second chance.”

“Good.” Her tone turns brisk. “Then I’ll get things going on this end.”

“Don’t we need a license to get married. There’s only a few days until the weekend.”

“I already got the license. Pulled in a favor with Judge Brown.”

That lifts my eyebrows. Judge Brown is a hard nose. If he did something, Hetty basically performed a miracle.

“What exactly did you do for him to give you that favor.”

“Never you mind,” she huffs. “Just make sure that you’re ready.”

“I’ve been ready to marry Valerie since we were kids.”

Her voice is dry as dirt. “And yet you managed to fuck it up.”

“Yes, Hetty. I realize that.”

“Good. So you won’t do that again.”

“Of course not.”

“Good. I’d hate to have to mess you up.”

Choking back a laugh, picturing Hetty jumping on my back like a monkey and tearing into me, I can’t help but smile.

“I promise you, Hetty, I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. I love Val. I can’t stand the fact that I hurt her.”

“Good. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, Hetty.”

She hangs up without saying good-bye and I laugh quietly. Manners is something that Hetty uses to her own advantage.

I stand up and walk to the beautiful kitchen in my home, scratching my broad, lightly furred chest.

I need coffee and a shower to get ready for work this morning. And to deal with whatever the hell happens once Hetty breaks the news to Val.

My belly flips. The Val I know is a force of nature but if there’s one thing I’ve learned since I saw her again last night, it’s that this Val is even harder to figure out.

I grin, anticipating my wedding day and the woman I’m going to finally make mine. Nothing can take away my excitement.

Not even worrying about the reaction of my little spitfire.



“You must be joking, Grandmother!”I feel like I’ve been hit over the head and thrown off a building. My stomach is in my throat. “There is no way in hell that I’m going to marry Caleb Mercer. Not in this lifetime!”

Leaping to my feet, I pace back and forth in front of her where she sits like a queen on her throne. Her high-backed chair curves around her head. A superior smile curls her thin lips painted a bright rouge color.
