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“Whose policy?”

I shrug, smoothing down the front of his jersey and appreciating how hard and sturdy he is.

“Someone’s, I’m sure.”

“You good?” he asks quietly, his eyes locked on mine. “When I saw you walk in, you seemed rattled or something. Did anything happen?”

“No,” I tell him. It’s not a lie. Nothing happened, and I’m not going to put the burden of Detective Briggs' phone call on his shoulders. “I was just running a little late and you know how much I hate that.”

He holds my gaze for a beat longer, then nods. “Okay. I guess I should get out there. Wait for me after the game?”


With one last kiss, he turns and jogs away and I turn to see Brian watching with a knowing grin.

“Wipe that smile off your face.”

“I should tell you the same thing,” he says, following me out to the field.

While the Revelers warm up, I take a moment to collect myself—both my nerves and my libido. Every time Mack touches me, whether it’s an innocent, chaste kiss or he’s buried deep inside me, it always leaves me flustered and wanting more.

When I turn back to the field, I practically swallow my tongue.

Mack is in the outfield, down on all fours and, I’m assuming, stretching his quads. But to put it simply, he appears to be thrusting the air, and every speck of composure I managed to collect only moments ago flies out the window… or into the outfield.

“You’re going to need to roll that tongue up before we go back on camera.”

Jutting out an elbow, I make contact with Brian’s stomach. “Shut up.”

“No, I mean, I get it. I’m as straight as they come, but sometimes when we’re out here watching warm-ups, these guys make me question my sexuality.”

We both laugh and it’s exactly what I need to release the tension.

Unfortunately, the game doesn’t go in our favor.

Bo hits a solo homerun in the second inning, but that’s the last run the Revelers score. In the eighth inning, New York hits a grand slam, sealing their win.

We still have six games left in this series, but it’s definitely not the start everyone wanted and spirits are low when Brian and I finish up our on-field interviews after the game and enter the locker room. I have a list of interviews to get, but I hate that I have to.

I know these guys now and I know how much this win affects each and every one of them.

Motioning for Brian to follow me, I approach Bo. “Can I get a minute of your time?” I ask hesitantly.

He glances up with a smile. “Sure.”

“Sorry, I know how hard losses are, but—”

“You’ve got a job to do, Greer. No worries.”

Giving him a grateful smile, I nod at Brian to start recording.

“That was one heck of a hit you got tonight. What is the game plan going forward?” I ask, turning the microphone to him.

“Win games,” Bo says with a chuckle. “It’s simple. We just need to do better, as a team. We have to dig deep and get the runs. We also have to play better defense.”

“The Revelers have been on a hot winning streak. Does a loss like this kill that momentum?”

He winces, shaking his head thoughtfully. “It could, but we’re going to keep our heads up. There are a hundred and sixty-two games in a season and we can’t win them all. That doesn’t end in the postseason. There are still six games left and we’ve got a lot of fight left in us, so I’m confident we’ll bounce back and be ready for game two.”
