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“I know, trust me, I do. And we’re working to get to the bottom of this.”

“I was hoping this might be the break we were waiting for,” I tell him, climbing into the passenger's seat of the news van.

“Me too, Greer. Me too. But I’m not giving up and I want to make sure you don’t either… keep your guard up, eyes open, don’t be alone… you know the drill.”

While Brian drives toward the stadium, I ask, “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“We’ve had an increase in emails and they’re getting more… desperate. Whoever this is isn’t happy about not being able to get close to you.” He pauses and I swear I hear him let out a curse under his breath. It’s the first time I’ve heard Detective Briggs really lose his cool and it puts me on edge. “Listen, Greer. Is there any chance you could lay low for a couple of days?”

The laugh that escapes my chest is anything but amused. “You do remember what my job is, right? I can’t really lay low and do what I do. And if you’re asking me to not do my job, that’s out of the question. This person doesn’t get to dictate where I go and what I do.”

“I get that, but not everyone’s job puts their face in front of the entire city of New Orleans.” His tone is a bit louder than I’m used to and it makes my hackles raise.

“I didn’t ask for any of this,” I say, matching his fierceness.

He lets out an audible breath and I feel like we’re at an impasse.

When Brian gets to the light, he holds up his hands, asking what he should do. I motion forward, silently telling him to keep driving.

“Stay alert. Don’t be alone. Listen to your gut,” Detective Briggs demands. “Understand?”

“Yes,” I tell him, swallowing down my nerves.

“Call me… for anything.”

After he hangs up, I end the call and toss my phone back into my bag.

“What was that all about?” Brian asks.

He knows some of what’s happening, but he doesn’t know all the details and I really don’t feel like getting into it with anyone else right now.

“Just the same old bullshit, different day.”

“You’d tell me if you were in danger or anything like that, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’d tell you.”

The look he gives me says he doesn’t believe me, but he drops it, and we continue toward the stadium. I refuse to let this asshole ruin tonight, or any other night for that matter. I’m not going to hide out and not fully embrace this opportunity.

And there’s also Mack.

He’s worked his entire career for this and there is no way in hell I’m messing that up.

The Revelers are no more than seven games away from winning the American League pennant and earning a spot in the World Series. It’s a feat this franchise has yet to accomplish and the excitement is prevalent throughout, not just the organization, but the entire city.

This is bigger than me, and it’s sure as hell bigger than some coward who hides behind a computer screen and lurks in the shadows.

Once we get into the stadium, the energy is so high and the whole place is vibrating with the excitement of the game and being in the playoffs. Brian and I head straight for the locker room, where we knock off a few pre-game interviews before the guys head out to the field for warm-ups.

Mack catches my eye a few times and I make sure to smile and put on a good face.

Hopefully, not just for him, but for the fans at home too.

Brian seems fine and doesn’t question me further about the call or anything, so I assume I’m doing a good job. But when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my midsection and whisk me into a dark corner of the hallway that leads out to the field, I gasp.

Mack’s warm brown eyes are full of mirth and mischief. “I need a kiss before I go out there.”

“I think that’s against policy,” I tease, brushing my lips against his.
