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That’s not a lie. I never bring women back to my house. It always felt too personal and when I was done, I didn’t want to worry about how I was going to get rid of them.

Her pouty mouth parts as her eyes grow wide, showing her genuine surprise.

I’m not as predictable as you think I am.

“Let’s get some sleep and we’ll talk more in the morning, figure out a game plan and I’ll take you to your apartment to get more of your things.”

“I have work and—”

“Not tonight,” I order, placing a finger against her lips. “Sleep, then you can argue with me about the rest of it tomorrow.”

Uncharacteristically, Greer does exactly what I tell her to and she climbs into my bed without another word.

When the lights are out and I think she must’ve already passed out, she speaks. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

I’m thankful Greer can’t see the smile on my face. I shouldn’t be smiling. She’s had a terrifying encounter, but I can’t help the warm feeling I get hearing her voice floating around me in the darkness. I’ve never had an interaction quite like this with a woman—no sex, no expectations, just simply lying next to each other.

Again, minutes pass before she says. “I’m sure this isn’t weird for you because you’re Big League’s Biggest Playboy, but I don’t sleep in random men’s beds.”

Her words come out with a bit of slur, letting me know she’s somewhere between awake and asleep. I fight back a laugh, but I don’t fight back my smile. One, because it’s dark and she can’t see me, and two, because I’ll take her sass over her sadness any day. The fact she continues to bring up my reputation with women lets me know she thinks about it quite often, which means I’m on her mind, and that leaves me wondering if she’s as attracted to me as I am to her. I’ve caught her checking me out, but that’s carnal, and my feelings toward Greer are a little more than that.

Sure, I want to get her naked, but I also want to get to know her.

However, my response to her is off the cuff and unfiltered, because that seems to be our style.

“I fuck random women, but I don’t sleep with them. Get your facts straight, Reporter.”

That shuts her up and the next time Greer makes a noise, it’s to the tune of a faint little snore.

And it’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve heard in a long time.



As sleep startsto fade and I begin to awake, my mind is flooded with memories of last night.

The second I remember where I am and why I’m here, my pulse starts to race. Not just from the realization the person who’s been following me wasatmy apartment, but also from the fact I’minMack Granger’s bed.

His last words to me before I drifted off to sleep last night ring in my head.

“I fuck random women, but I don’t sleep with them. Get your facts straight, Reporter.”


He probably meant that as a dig, so why does it make my body tingle?

Reaching out my spidey senses, I try to assess the room around me without making it known I’m awake. Is he still in bed? If I roll over, am I going to see his ruggedly handsome face… all that dark hair and scruffy jaw line?

Damn him and those gray sweatpants he was wearing when I showed up last night. Even though my mind was a mess and my body felt completely out of my control, I noticed.

Geez Louise, how could Inotnotice.

It’s not that I haven’t seen him in stages of undress over the past few weeks, and even before that. I’ve been privy to everything from private practices to workout sessions, and even hangout time between some of the players.

There are a lot of attractive men on the team and, I guess, as a woman, I notice all of them. It’s in my nature to notice. Like Mack said, I’m a reporter. I typically pay attention to details, but when it comes to Mack, it’s different.
