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When the door is shut and locked behind us, I walk her into the living room and grab a blanket from the couch, wrapping it around her shoulders. It’s warm outside, but she’s only wearing some thin pajamas and her entire body is shaking, probably from fear. And it’s breaking my fucking heart.

“What happened?” I grit out, trying to rein in my anger.

“I’m sorry,” she says, roughly wiping tears from her face. “I shouldn’t have come here. I just—I didn’t know where else to go. I didn’t want to bother Soph and Owen and risk waking up Molly and Ryan… I—I just didn’t know where else to go.”

Standing in front of me isn’t the strong, capable woman I’m used to seeing. Gone are the determined eyes and tenacious demeanor. And in their place is fear and defeat. Her shoulders are hunched and she can’t look me in the eye.

Not even thinking, I wrap my arms around her and pull her to me.

“I’m glad you did,” I assure her, rubbing my hand over her back, hoping to stop her from shaking. I forgot she even knew where I live. But about six months ago, I hosted a party here during the off-season after Phil moved out. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“Someone came to my apartment,” she whispers into my chest.

My hand stops on her back and I grind my teeth so hard it makes my jaw hurt. “Did you see them?” I ask, hoping she got a good enough look at them so the cops will be able to track them down and put an end to this bullshit.

“No.” She sniffles and for a minute, I wonder if she’s just spooked herself again. I wouldn’t blame her; it’s scary shit and she shouldn’t have to deal with it by herself. So regardless if there was really someone there or not, I’m glad she came over, because she’s obviously terrified, and it’s killing me.

“They left a bag hanging on my doorknob. It was there when I got back from having a drink with Sophie.”

I pull back so I can see her face and her puffy eyes splinter my heart. “What was in the bag?”

Her lip trembles and bites down on it, taking a deep breath before answering, “the earring I lost when I fell earlier at the stadium.”

This whole situation is getting crazier by the minute. Guiding her over to the couch, I make her sit and I settle next to her, turning so I’m facing her.

“What do you mean?” I ask, trying to put all the pieces of this fucked up puzzle together.

“I know I had both earrings in the clubhouse, because I remember seeing them when I watched a piece of my last interview back. Then, when I got home to change clothes before I went to meet Soph, it was gone. I searched my bedroom, but it wasn’t there. I know I lost it when I fell. Don’t ask me how, I just do. Regardless, when I got to my apartment, I didn’t have it. But then, when I got back from having drinks, that fucking bag was hanging on my door.”

She grits the last part out, biting down on her bottom lip again and turning her face away from me. “I thought someone had left me something nice, like maybe Sophie had ordered something without telling me or… I don’t know. I just wasn’t expecting that.”

With a deep exhale, she tilts her head back and then her eyes come back to meet mine. “When I saw the earring, I knew it was him… whoever has been following me. I just knew it and I couldn’t stay at my apartment. I needed to get out of there.”

“Fuck, Greer. I wish you would’ve called me. What if they had been waiting for you?”

Her face pales and tears well in those beautiful eyes again. Closing the distance between us, I pull her back into my chest. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I just wish this wasn’t happening.”

“Me too,” she says, her voice quivering. “And I didn’t have your number, so I couldn’t call, but when I got in my car, this was the first place I thought of. I mean, you did offer me a place to stay the other night, so I hoped—”

“Of course, you can stay here. I’m glad you thought to come here.”

I want to ask about her parents or siblings. I know she grew up in New Orleans and she and Sophie have been friends since they were kids, so I would assume she has family she’s close to, but I don’t want to push. I know how private I am about my mom and where I grew up.

“I have three spare bedrooms,” I tell her. “There’s plenty of space for you to stay here, whether it’s for tonight or however long you need to… even if you don’t want to take me up on the other part of my offer. You can stay here.”

I end up making Greer a hot tea and reheating the cup I was drinking when she showed up. And then, I take her upstairs, but when I show her to the spare bedroom closest to mine, she stops in the doorway and starts worrying her bottom lip.

“What is it?” I ask, looking around at the room and realizing it’s probably not up to Greer Bradley standards, but it will have to do for tonight.

“I don’t really want to be alone,” she says so quietly I almost miss it. “I know I’m asking a lot of you, but I just—”

Walking out of the room, I flip the light off and take her hand. “Come on. My bed is plenty big enough for both of us.”

I’ve never had a woman sleep in my bed before, but I want Greer close so I can keep an eye on her, make sure she’s safe and gets some much-needed sleep. If laying next to me in bed offers her the security she needs, I can put aside my attraction for her for one night.

She lets out a nervous laugh when I turn on the lamp beside the bed. “It’s big enough for half a dozen people… which I wouldn’t put past you.”

“Alright,” I say, fighting back a smile. Even when she’s having the worst day of her life, the sass is still strong. “Let’s shelve the manwhore jokes for the night. We can even put up a pillow barrier if you want,” I say, turning around and meeting her eyes. Even with splotchy cheeks and red, puffy eyes, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. “I promise, you’re the first woman to sleep in this bed.”
