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Of course you can stay with us. I was going to offer again, but I didn’t want you to get pissed at me for trying to boss you around.


Can whatever you have to tell me wait until tomorrow or do we need an emergency coffee date? I can drop the kids off at Casey and Ross’s after school if you need me.


It can wait.


And thank you. You’re the best.

Slipping my phone into my pocket, I lean against the wall and just breathe. With my face turned to the ceiling, I work on centering myself.

Deep breath in.

Hold it for five.


And repeat.

When I feel like I have my shit together, I step out of the sound booth and head back to my desk to finish up editing a few videos for the evening broadcast and then jot down some interview questions for tonight’s game.

Mainly, I want to focus on a few guys who never see any spotlight before the game. And of course, after the game, I’ll highlight the key players. Ross Davies is on the roster to pitch tonight and Mack will be behind the plate. They are my favorite duo in the league and that has nothing to do with being friends with them. Even if I wasn’t a Revelers fan, they would still be my favorites. Ross is an ace pitcher and Mack is a literal brick wall—nothing gets past him—and together they are pure magic.

“Hey,” Brian says, leaning over my monitor. “I thought we could head down to the field in about thirty. George said to stick to you like glue, whatever that’s about. So, I just wanted to let you know.”

Giving him a smile, I nod my head. “Yeah, I’ll be ready to go. Thanks for the heads up.”

Thankfully, he doesn’t push for any additional information regarding George’s demand. Brian is such an easy-going guy, so it’s no surprise he’s okay with going along with whatever he’s instructed to do. It’s one of the reasons I love working with him.

Thirty minutes later, I’ve touched up my hair and make-up and packed up my bag. When I get to the back exit, Brian is right there waiting.

“We riding together or…”

“Let’s take separate vehicles,” I tell him, not wanting to have to come back here for my car before going to Mack’s.

“I’ll follow you.”

When we get to the field, all thoughts of last night seem like a distant memory. It’s there, in the back of my mind, but it’s not overwhelming me like earlier. Thankfully, when we turn down the corridor that leads to the clubhouse, there are so many people buzzing around that it doesn’t even feel like the same place. Instead of being a hall of terrors, it’s full of excitement and anticipation for tonight’s game.

As we walk into the clubhouse, I spot Mack getting treatment on his knee from one of the trainers. When he sees me, he gives me a nod and his dark eyes bore into mine. Has it really been less than twenty-four hours since I ran into his arms in search of safety and comfort?

“You want me over here?” Brian asks, oblivious to the dress-down I’m currently getting from the Revelers starting catcher.

Clearing my throat and breaking away from Mack’s gaze, I redirect my focus. “Yes, let's get set up and I’ll pass off this list of players to Roger.” Roger McIntosh is the PR guy for the Revelers. He’s been a great resource and helps coordinate interviews. “After that, we’ll go ahead and shoot an opener and lead-in.”

Business as usual, Greer.

Keep things professional.

Over the next hour, I manage to get all of my interviews done even though I can feel Mack’s eyes on me every step of the way. When the players head out to the field for warm-ups, I breathe a sigh of relief because I wasn’t sure how much more of his attention I could take.

I appreciate his concern and that he’s watching out for me, but I’m glad he’s going on the road tomorrow. I think I need a little space to get my head on straight. If I’m not careful, this fake relationship is going to turn into real attraction—like it hasn’t already—and I don’t need that complication on top of everything else.

