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“I’m guessing there’s already been photos posted.”

There’s some commotion on Aiden’s end and for a second, I think I’ve lost him. But then he’s back. “I got a call this morning, wanting to confirm your relationship.”

Have I mentioned how much I hate this part? I know it’s a give and take. When you’re in the public eye, no matter what it is, you basically give yourself over to scrutiny. I know guys who manage to lay low and stay out of the limelight. Unfortunately, I’ve made some shitty choices during my time in the MLB and now I’m paying for it.

Until I can get back on the right side of the media and secure the endorsements I need, I’m at their mercy.

“You still there?” Aiden asks.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“How’s everything going? You’ve been playing great, so I’m assuming everything behind the scenes is going well.”

I haven’t told Aiden about Greer’s stalker. At first, I thought it would be something that would pass once we were together. I’d hoped everything that was happening were pranks that had been taken too far. My eyes originally had been on Jason Freeman, because he’s the kind of asshole who’d take pleasure in scaring someone like Greer.

When he can’t have what he wants, he gets pissy.

Plus, he’s a male chauvinist prick who’d love nothing more than to run a female reporter out of our clubhouse. Last year, when the organization hired our first female coach, Freeman was the first to cause shit.

But some of the things that have been done to Greer seem like too much work for someone like Jason.

“There’s actually something I need you to know,” I start.

Aiden exhales loudly. “Lay it out there for me. You know I can’t fix it if I don’t know about it.”

“It’s not like that,” I tell him, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter, because I hate that he immediately thinks I’ve fucked up. That’s not who I am and I don’t like having a sliver of that kind of reputation. “This is about Greer. Someone has been stalking her. It’s kind of how we came to an agreement on this… relationship. She needed a place to go and I needed someone to be seen with. It was a win-win for both of us. I thought the problem would resolve itself, but it only seems to be getting worse. I just thought you should know, in case something comes up.”

“Shit, man.” He exhales again, but it’s more out of concern than dread. “If there’s anything I can do, don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“One thing you can do is keep our location private, even when we’re on the road. When we’re out in public, that’s one thing, but I want to keep her safe.”

The line is quiet for a moment and it sounds like Aiden is walking. “You know I’ll always do my best to keep you safe and that goes for Greer too. If we need to find some personal security, just let me know. I know someone and I can have them there in less than twenty-four hours.”

“I think it’s being managed for now, but I don’t want you to be blindsided if anything were to ever come out in the press.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

I know what he’s saying and it’s nothing I haven’t thought of myself.

“It’s too late to back out now.”

“Nothing is worth your safety,” Aiden says, sounding more like my friend than my agent.

As I turn into the players parking lot, I see Bo and Owen walking up to the clubhouse.

“I’m not worried about myself,” I assure him. “It’s Greer who I’m worried about and there’s no way I’m leaving her to deal with this on her own.”

What I can’t say is that I’m in too deep to walk away now.

“Okay, but stay alert and if you think shit’s going sideways, you better give me a call.”

“I will.”

When I end the call, I look up as Ross pulls in beside me.

“Hey, man.”

He walks over and clasps my hand, pulling me in for a chest bump. “You good?”
