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“Yeah, just talking to Aiden.”

Ross’s brows go up. “What did he have to say?”

“Just giving me an update and letting me know photos from last night had started circulating.”

“Oh, right, you went to the charity event last night. How did that go?”

Just like when Aiden brought it up, I can’t help but smile.

“It went well. Really well, actually.”

We walk straight to the training room where we find Owen and Bo stretching. The four of us typically meet for a workout when we have late games. Even when we’re out of town we’ll utilize the hotel gym or at least go for a run.

“What’s that shit-eating grin for?” Ross asks, tossing his bag onto the floor.

I shrug. “Nothing. It just went well. Saw a lot of people, rubbed elbows, donated money… and the media was able to see me out with Greer. What more could I ask for?”

Normally, I’m an open book with these guys, but I’m not ready to tell them this fake relationship took a real turn last night. The sex was phenomenal, better than I ever could’ve imagined.She’sphenomenal. However, as far as I know, the sex is just an extension of the agreement, so I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.

Every last second of it.

“Other than running into Greer’s douchecanoe ex,” Bo mutters. “After y’all left, we saw him and his date again while we were waiting for our car and Lo gave him a piece of her mind. Told him to not contact her and she was not interested in doing any sort of charity work with someone who treated her friend like shit.”

Chuckling, I shake my head. “You’ve got yourself a firecracker.”

“Don’t I know it.” Bo’s not one to share details of his private life, but I can see it all over his face.

“A firecracker on the streetsandin the sheets.” I can’t help it.

“Shut the fuck up.”

When a towel hits the back of my head, I just laugh.

It’s good to let loose with my boys and put in some gym time. This is different from warm-ups or batting practice. No one is hovering over us or around us and we get to shoot the shit and catch up.

Most of the time, part of the conversation ends up being about their women, and I’m happy for them. Truly I am. But it doesn’t stop the fact I’m envious of their lives or that they’re in rock solid relationships.

For the past couple of years, it’s started to nag at me.

Will I always be single?

Will anyone ever love me the way Charlotte loves Bo? Or the way Sophie loves Owen? Casey and Ross; don’t even get me started on them. They’re relationship had a unique start, but we can all agree it was meant to be. They and Baby Sam are the epitome of happiness. It took something like Casey unexpectedly getting pregnant to pull Ross out of his post-divorce funk and feeling like his life was over. She brought him back.

But what about me?

For the longest time, I haven’t been able to see past the week, the month, the season.

But today, I can picture what my potential future might look like. I can see what happiness after baseball might look like. And the only person I can contribute those realizations to is Greer, whether I’m ready to admit that or not. She’s turning things around, not only in my public life, but something is shifting inside me too.

For the first time in a long time, I can picture what my life could potentially look like five years from now. Ten years from now. And I don’t hate it.

It scares the shit out of me.

But I don’t hate it.


