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When I get into my room, I check everything—bathroom, curtains, under the bed, and behind the chair. I know I’m hours away from home, but it doesn’t mean I can just let my guard down.

How can I?

At every turn, this guy is reminding me that I can’t hide from him.

Even though I try to be brave and strong and live my life, it’s so fucking hard. The day I got the food delivery, it was almost too much. I felt like I couldn’t win for losing and I was ready to throw in the towel, but I know I can’t do that. I can’t let this guy win.

Who the fuck does he think he is, anyway?

Inhaling a cleansing breath, I try to put all of that out of my mind as I open my suitcase and pull out my Revelers jersey. It’s blank on the backside, because I felt like that was a more appropriate thing for a reporter to wear.

If I could, I would have Mack’s last name and number. But I’m trying not to feed the gossip mill.

They have plenty to talk about without my help.

I’m in the bathroom, reviving my hair from the three-hour nap I just took on the plane, when my phone pings with an incoming message.


Did you make it to the hotel?

There’s just something about seeing his name come up on my phone and knowing he’s near. It makes me forget about all of the bad shit. The stalker, my crazy day, all of it just fades away like a bad dream.


Yes, checked in and already in my room.


Room #?


How do I know you’re not going to stalk me?

A few moments go by and he doesn’t reply. After I put some loose curls in my hair, I text him again.


Was that a bad joke?


Too soon?


I think you should know that I like dark humor and it’s how I deal with things.

Just when I think someone stole his phone or he was abducted by aliens, he texts back.


Sorry. Phone died and I had to find a place to charge it. This locker room sucks. Not nearly as nice as ours.

I snort out a laugh, flipping off the bathroom light and grabbing my backpack before heading to the door.

