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“Wow,” Brian teases, giving me a light push with his shoulder. “That sounded like at least twenty messages. He’s, uh… a little persistent.”

Getting my sunglasses out of my bag, I place them on my head so they’ll be ready once we’re outside. “You’re one to talk. I thought you were going to make us miss our flight because you wouldn’t hang up on Rebecca.”

“She’s having a rough day at work.”

“In Mack’s defense,” I say, opening up my texts as we continue to walk down the corridor, “we’re over an hour behind schedule. With everything going on, he gets worried easily.”

“Y’all are the real deal, huh?”

I swallow and immediately feel my face flush. “If by real, you mean dating and figuring things out, then yeah, we’re the real deal.”

“I just kind of assumed you were having fun. He seems like a player and you’ve always come across as the monogamist type. So, when you said you were with him, I thought you were just wanting to have a good time… you know, play the field while you have the chance.”

It’s always odd to hear someone express how they perceive you or your life. From an outsider’s perspective, it always looks a little different. In this instance, Brian is both spot on and miles away.

“We’re… well, we—” I want to explain without divulging too much of the truth, but it’s hard to find the words. Even though I trust Brian, I don’t want to betray Mack’s trust. We mutually agreed who would be privy to our arrangement, so there’s no way in hell I’m going to tell him this is a fake relationship.

“No need to explain,” Brian says. “I’m the last person to judge. I always assumed I’d be a bachelor for life. As good of a dad as my father was, he was a shitty husband, and I never wanted to have a relationship like my mom and dad’s. So when I started dating Rebecca, I was just in it for the sex.” He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck with a hint of embarrassment. “She knows that, so no need to go all girl code on me and seek her out.”

I know exactly what Brian is talking about. There was a time when I too thought I’d never get married. Throughout high school, I rarely dated. I lost my virginity to a one-night-stand. But then, when I got to college, I realized if I never found someone to be with, I’d end up alone.

Of course, I’ll always have Sophie, but she’s creating her own family now, and all my other friends are either drifting away or also getting married.

I want my own person.

“What made you change your mind?” I ask, feeling kind of odd subtly seeking advice from Brian, of all people.

“Rebecca,” he says, like his answer is as easy as breathing. “I’m convinced no one else on earth could make me feel like I do when I’m with her. She’s just… different. And she makes me see life in a new way. I want things with her I’ve never wanted before.”

We arrive at baggage claim and I turn to him. “You’re a freaking romantic.”

He blushes, shaking his head. “Love makes you do weird things, man.”

Once our equipment arrives, we head to the curb to find the Uber I booked when we got off the plane.

Half an hour later, we’re pulling up in front of our hotel and Brian lets out a whistle.

“Shit, this is nice. How’d you convince George to put us up here?”

“This is where the team is staying, and the stadium is only a few minutes’ drive from here. He wants us to be close to the action.”

That’s a lie. George threw a fit when I demanded to be in the same hotel as the team, but he finally caved because Detective Briggs convinced him it was the safest option. Even though George is a tightwad, he also doesn’t want anything bad happening on his watch.

“What is the plan?” Brian asks as the bellhop assists with our luggage and equipment.

I grab my phone from my backpack and open the app to add a tip. “I thought we could head over to the field and catch the guys at practice. Then, grab a bite to eat and go over a few notes for tonight’s game.”

“Sounds good. Would you mind if I head up to my room for a few minutes and call Rebecca?”

“No, that’s great. I need to freshen up and throw on something that’s more appealing to the camera,” I say, motioning to my travel attire. It’s not hideous, but it’s definitely not my normal blouse and skirt combo I wear for work. However, since this is a remote assignment and the Revelers are in the playoffs, I can get by with something more casual.

Once we’re checked in, Brian and I take the elevator up to the tenth floor.

I know Mack is on fifteen. That’s where the team is staying. He sent me his room number last night after he checked in, not that I’ll get a chance to visit him there. Hopefully, this will be a fast trip and we’ll be headed home with a win tomorrow.

“Meet you downstairs in thirty minutes?” he asks, placing his room card up to the door across the hall from mine.

“Yeah, I’ll meet you down there.”
