Page 136 of The Reality Duet

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“You came.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t want to, but Joey made me. . . she made us.”

“She’s here?” Her tone is snarky.

“Out in the hall.”

“Why? Why couldn’t you leave her at home?” Jules flops back on her bed and cries out, I’m assuming she’s having a contraction or whatever they are. “Why, Josh?”

“Because she’s my wife, Jules. And for whatever reason she wanted to be here for you when I wanted to go back to sleep. My wife thought you needed a friend.”

A nurse comes in to soothe Jules. I feel bad, but refuse to move from the wall. “Are you the father?”

“No, I’m not,” I say, sternly.

The nurse never makes eye contact with me. “It’s time, Jules.”

“Will you stay while I give birth? I need you, Josh.”

Shaking my head, I direct my gaze at the ground. “No, this is something I need to experience with my wife the first time. I’ll be out in the hall when you’re done.”

She starts crying, but it’s not enough to pull me toward her. I step outside and pull Joey to me. “This was a mistake.”

“I heard what she said.”

“I told you, Joey. She doesn’t care if we’re married. She’s delusional and can’t accept that I’m not part of her life anymore. Can we leave? Please.” Even though I told Jules I’d be out in the hall, I know that there is no part of me that wants to be here. I can’t be here, not anymore. The doormat I’ve been when it comes to Jules Maxwell has to stop and now seems to be as a good time as any.

“I’m sorry, I thought in her condition she’d want a friend.”

“She wants me and the feelings aren’t mutual. She’s never going to change.”

Joey wipes some tears, and for the life of me I can’t understand why she’s crying. Taking her under my arm, I escort her out of the hospital as fast as I can.

“You’re a good person, Joey, but I need you to develop some thicker skin for this world we’re in. Don’t take everyone at face value and don’t assume they’re not trying to stab you in the back,” I tell her as soon as we get in the car. I’ve been burnt by one too many snakes in this industry and I don’t want to see Joey go through the same thing.

“I just thought—”

“You know,” I say, taking her hand in mine. “With anyone else, they would’ve welcomed us being there for them, but not with her. She has tunnel vision when it comes to what she wants.”

With a sigh, Joey leans back in her seat. “I suppose I ought to watch for her trying to steal my husband,” she says, squeezing my hand.

“Not where I’m concerned.” I bring her hand up and kiss it. “As far as I’m concerned you’re the one for me and the only one I see in my life.”

She turns her head and smiles.

By the time we get home, the sun is almost peaking out over the horizon. “Let’s get some sleep before your dad arrives. Us guys have a busy day.”

“You’re trying on tuxedos.” She points out as she undresses down to nothing and crawls into bed.

“Mhm,” I say, palming my already growing erection. “And drinking, hitting the golf course, and planning my stag party.” I pull the covers back, causing her to giggle. Grabbing a hold of her ankles, I pull her to me before dropping my shorts onto the floor. “Look at that.” I palm my cock, rubbing it against her.

“What? I don’t feel anything.” She’s a little vixen teasing me like this.

“You will in a second, babe.” I plunge into her, making sure she feels every single inch of what I’m about to give to her.


