Page 31 of Bleeding Heart

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I hold up my gauze-wrapped hand, which I’ve had cradled in my lap underneath the bouquet.

“Hold on, you got hurt because someone threw a rock through the store’s window?” His jaw drops.

So, he didn’t know.

Jake grabs my fingertips in his.

I wince.

“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No. At first, you moved so fast that I was worried you’d squeeze it.” My reaction was as reactionary as his.

The alarm went off, alerting me to the fact that a vandal had tried breaking into the boutique. It was still dark out when it happened and they didn’t steal anything. I was already exhausted filing the police report. My single-mindedness had me intent on cleaning up the mess before maintenance showed up to screw plywood into the open window frame.

I sliced near my Mount of Venus picking up a jagged piece of glass.

“I put aside the broom and dustpan to place the biggest pieces in the trash bin. I wasn’t thinking it was sharp enough to cut me, and it took a while for the bleeding to stop.” Probably because my blood pressure was elevated.

“Let me see. Do you need stitches? I’ll take you to the ER.”

“Don’t worry about it. My dad was a doctor. I used a butterfly suture on it. It’ll be fine.” Once it stops throbbing.

“Did I do this? Ruin your life?” He brings my fingers to his mouth, pressing his soft lips to the pads.

“No Jake, I did this. I’m responsible for the few friends I stayed in touch with over the years not sticking around, the boutique’s dwindling sales, and replacing the plate glass.”

The shop is closed for repairs. It only seemed right to give my employees the day off. I’d rather stay in bed than be at my shop, and no one else should have to clean up my messes.

“I’m paying for the window,” Jake objects.

“What for? To prove some omnipotent power? So I’m indebted to you? Maybe I don’t need rescuing, Jake. Maybe everything that’s happening with my reputation and my business being in the gutter was bound to happen if I hadn’t run into Sweet Caroline’s.”

“But you ran into the club, so we won’t ever know. And now you’re stuck with me. Guilt by association.” The frown hasn’t left Jake’s face. But the crease in his brow is more pronounced than ever.

“I’m a pariah either way. I’m surprised the people who work for me haven’t quit.Guilt by association.” I shrug, repeating the same words he uttered.

“Pais, do you want to be unstuck?”

I stammer. I honestly didn’t think Jake would offer me a choice.

“Because I have a problem, I don’t… want to be unstuck from you, that is… The nights go by faster when you’re at the club. My employees like you, so it’s not shocking that yours are standing by you during a tough time.”

“Um, but—” I shake my head, never mind.

Jake nudges. “Yeah?”

“Do you like me?”

“I said I’d have the window replaced. I thought the rest was inferred.”

“Not really.”

“Not even when I offered to take you to the hospital?”

“Nope.” God, why do I want Jake Ballantine of all people to say it?

“I like being around you,corazón.”
