Page 48 of Bleeding Heart

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Eventually, he approaches where the three of us sit. On the inside, I’m begging that he leaves the shop out of whatever is about to come out of his mouth. Laughton apologizing won’t make the legitimate reasons I had for doing what I did to protect Paisley any easier for her to accept.

“Paisley, could I speak to you in private?” Gavin bends, talking into her ear.

I rest a hand on her knee. “Anything you have to say, you can say here.”

“I suppose that’s true” He snuffs. “I was sincerely sorry to hear about your recent trouble and wanted to reassure you that my sister had nothing to do with shattering the boutique window. She was planning to join me as my date. When I saw your RSVP on the guest list, I decided it was best if I came alone. Accepting that you’ve moved on has been even more difficult for me since her outburst at Royce’s. My career, my professional reputation, treating my patients has gotten me through the past three months. I wouldn’t want to see anything improper happen for a third time when what we’re here for is to focus on solving problems much bigger than our own.”

“Thank you for being sensitive and putting your patient’s needs first, Gavin. I appreciate it.” Paisley replies with grace. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I apologize for not being honest about—” She stops and sighs. “Everything. You are a good man, a wonderful physician, and an asset to the hospital. I’ll stay out of your way tonight for the sake of the gala.”

“That’s a slight problem for me. I could actually use your help.”

“Mine?” An apprehensive Paisley squeaks, looking between Gavin and me.

I would have expected her voice to have raised based on the way her eyes land on mine. She’s practiced tamping down the shrill exclamations that used to shoot out of her because I told Paisley when she agreed to be my fake girlfriend that she needed to work on being more docile. The thing is, I’m not a huge fan of her falling in line with my demands.

What Paisley wants is to make amends, but she’s also tethered to my side. That I do like. But Paisley is unsure if she’s supposed to ask my permission or do as she wants, risking me balking and her supposed cheating on Laughton causing a scene in the ballroom.

“You should help Gavin, Paisley.’ Mrs. Cooper chimes in, creating a new level of angst.

Our friends haven’t arrived. If Paisley leaves the table, it’s her mom and me flying solo. I can handle whatever Mrs. Cooper throws at me, but I have doubts Paisley thinks I can remain polite for her sake.

We’re in an indelicate place. The eyes of several donors prove they are fixated on what will happen between the three of us. Whether Paisley recognizes it or not, the time she spent on her knees, talking me down with her precocious, pouty lips was exactly what I needed to get my ass in gear and deal with the consequences. She needs to believe I can man up and do what she needs me to do as well.

“Perhaps Paisley should hear Dr. Laughton’s request?” I’m formal, addressing Gavin. Not to be an asshole. He’s the heart surgeon. This is his soirée we’re crashing, and frankly, this is as close to burying the hatchet as we’re ever going to get.

I’m grateful that Laughton approaching our table hasn’t ended in an uproar. Pais admitted she made a mistake. She deserves for her ex to treat her with the same respect she’s giving him.

Laughton clasps his hands. “Do you remember Mr. Crowder from the benefit last year?”

“Yes, the older gentleman. He was quite generous.”

“He was. Because of you. You spend a good deal of time—”

“Schmoozing him?” Her lovable laugh is like a tinkling bell.

Laughton’s head makes a round on his shoulders. “I prefer: indulging his curiosity. But, yes. Mr. Crowder inquired about you when he arrived and it was clear his contribution level was on his mind. He’s interested in having his name engraved on the wall in the heart unit as an ongoing contributor, but I suspect he might need a nudge. I understand if you aren’t willing to speak with him. However, based on how candid he was when he asked me if you’d be here, I don’t get the impression Mr. Crowder was ever aware of our engagement.”

Her tooth sinks into her lip and the heat of uncertainty surrounding my behavior pinkens her cheeks. A mental war rages inside Paisley’s head. Being outgoing is in her nature and it makes Paisley a great store owner. This is an important event for her. She knows she can encourage Mr. Crowder to donate if she aligns her interests with Gavin’s.

It’s me that’s the problem… Except I’m not. Laughton seems to have enough coolth to avoid the reason behind why his sister’s outburst is a sensitive topic for him. And for as territorial as Gavin’s presence makes me, it isn’t like I’m going to piss all over Paisley and mark her as my own.

As a matter of fact, it’s her lipstick staining my dick, which gives my girlfriend a claim on me.

Paisley and I didn’t fuck out our insecurities in the beginning. We haven’t yet because I get that she’s at a point in her life when she expects a commitment along with sex. I may have been trying the idea on for size as well. So, I trust this woman isn’t a bed-jumper.

“I won’t stop you,Corazón.” I have no reason to be on the defensive based on Gavin’s current demeanor.

On the inside I want her to go. On the inside I want her to stay. Holding opposing emotions confuses the hell out of me, but my gut says that if Paisley goes, she will be back. We’re like magnets; the same ornery poles face one another and we repel, but it’s hard to separate us when we get it right.

“It’s fine, Gavin. It won’t hurt me to kill Mr. Crowder with kindness.” Her grip on my hand tightens as she stands. “Thank you.” Her features soften with gratitude, similar to the way she peers up at me when I have her tucked to my chest.

I pat myself on the back for managing to get being a good boyfriend right, but there’s an unexpected level of missing Paisley when the soft silk of her gown brushes my skin as she turns to walk away.

I watch the swish of her hips. How commanding her presence is despite her size. Across the ballroom, it’s Paisley that snags Mr. Crowder’s attention before Gavin has the opportunity to present her. Laughton stays put, but it is my charming girlfriend doing the hardest job since Mr. Crowder is rapt on whatever Paisley is saying.

Damn, she’s beautiful. The way she smiles. The confident way she holds herself. I wonder why I haven’t seen it before. Yet there’s an air of familiarity to it, as if I’ve been drunk with blinders on to how much positivity Paisley brought into my life when she launched herself at me.

It seems I’ll do anything and everything to make her happy, even surrender her attention.
