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He took a sip of his coffee and smiled. “Life is sometimes messy.”

“It sure can be. Speaking of life, what's your plan?” She pulled out a chair and took a seat.

He took the empty seat next to her. “I'm not sure.” He rolled his head and listened to his vertebrae pop. “I was here for a visit.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “The truth is, I came here to check in on Chloe. I never expected her to die—she had such fight and determination. I was sure she could beat cancer.”

“I'm sure she didn't want to leave, but sometimes we don't have a choice.”

“True. This whole trip seems to circle that one word—choice.”

Her eyes grew wide. “How so?”

“It's why Chloe wants me to raise Ivy.”

“She seems fond of you.” Charlotte sipped her coffee and set it down. “Is that what you want?”

He shrugged. “It doesn't matter what I want; I made a promise, and I have to keep it.”

Charlotte sipped her coffee before asking, “Are you staying, then?”

He shook his head. “I have a lot of stuff to take care of in New York.”

“Are you going to bring Ivy back with you?”

He ran his hands through his hair. “That's part of the issue. I turned right around when my mom started talking about sending Ivy to private school and boarding school yesterday, but the truth is, if she comes to live with me in New York, she'll get the same thing—private education and a nanny.”

Charlotte bit her lower lip, and he could sense she wanted to say something.

“Go ahead and say it,” he said.

“I don't have the right to an opinion,” she replied, “but I have a question. Are you financially able to take a break for a while?” She held his gaze with her sapphire eyes, as if piercing his soul. “I know the death has been hard on everyone, and it might be best to slow down for a bit. Too much change all at once can be difficult, especially for Ivy, who just lost her mother. Can you imagine what it would be like for her to have to adjust her whole life suddenly?”

“I hate to sound childish and immature, but coming here is asking me to give up everything. I have a job and a life too.”

She took several deep breaths before responding. “Raising a child is a full-time job. If you think your mother could provide for Ivy, it might be the best thing.”

”Is that why you don't have any children? You weren't up for the commitment?”

The light in her eyes seemed to dim. “No, not at all. I always wanted kids, but never found a guy I could stay with long enough to have them.”

He laughed. “You sound like my sister. My mother had everything planned for Chloe, from the wedding to the husband to the house, but Chloe wanted none of it.”

“I can't blame her. Who wants someone to choose for them?” She sighed. “Then again, arranged marriages have a higher success rate than unions of love. Maybe it's because they go in knowing what's expected. It's like a marriage of convenience. What about you? Have you ever thought of marriage?”

Frowning, he said, “Marriage looks inconvenient from my end. I'm not a good catch. On paper, I'm everyone's dream. I've got a job, money, and assets, but I'm gone all the time.”

“Marriage isn’t for everyone,” she said.

“For someone who owns a wedding planning business, I’d say that shouldn’t be your motto.”

“But it’s true.”

“Are you marriage-averse? Seems to me that’s counterproductive to what you’re trying to sell.”

“Oh no, I think marriage is wonderful, and the best part about it is the wedding.” She smiled. “It brings everyone together to celebrate love and life. It highlights the importance of family and togetherness. Which brings me back to my original question: considering your financial situation, maybe you owe it to yourself and Ivy to give Willow Bay a shot. She needs someone who understands her situation and can provide her with a home and family; if you do that, that would be a genuine gift of love for her. Still, it's ultimately up to you. Have you asked her what she wants?”

Chloe wanted Ivy to have choices, but did she mean this? Ivy was five. Was she even capable of making tough choices? He smiled at that thought. “You're right. I should ask her.”

“It's a start.”
