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“Big breakfast, bacon, sourdough toast.”

The woman scribbled his order down and turned to Ivy. “You’re Ivy, right?”

Ivy looked at the picture. “Right now, I’m a pecker.”

“Angry or hungry?”

Ivy stared at the woman whose name tag read Cricket. “I’m both.”

Cricket leaned over and patted Ivy’s hand. “I know, honey. I know about your mom, and I’m sorry.” She stepped back and scribbled on the paper. “How about some chocolate chip pancakes with extra chip and whip?” She tapped her hair with the pen. “I think that’s what you had the last time you came in, right?”

Ivy’s little lip quivered, and a tear ran down her cheek. “We came with mommy before she stayed in that bed by the window.”

“Yes, you did. Chocolate milk, correct?”

Rachel raised her hand. “I’d like a veggie omelet with whole wheat toast.”

Cricket pointed at Bastien. “You look like you could use coffee. I’ve got a special blend in the back. Do you want to try it?”

“Is it caffeinated?”

She smiled. “Sure as shit it is.” She turned around and walked away.

“She said shit.” Ivy giggled and covered her mouth. He didn’t like her cussing, but he could handle that more easily than her tears.

“You said pecker,” Rachel said.

“That’s just a hungry chicken.”

Bastien looked at Rachel and then at Ivy before he doubled over with laughter, his eyes crinkling and a loud, deep belly laugh echoing through the diner.

Cricket walked over and put a cup of coffee on the table. “This one is on the house, but the next cup is thirty bucks.”

“That’s some special brew,” he said.

Cricket grinned, “It’s the sh—”

“Got it,” Bastien said.

Cricket turned to Ivy and winked. “Pancakes up in two.”

Bastien picked up his cup and breathed in the rich, almost syrupy aroma with notes of chocolate, toffee, and just a hint of citrus. He usually doctored his coffee with lots of sugar and cream, but this cup deserved to be tasted as it was made.

He took a sip and let the liquid wrap around his tongue like a velvety blanket. It was a different taste and sensation than he was used to, but he enjoyed it. At that price, he better savor it.

“How’s the coffee?” Cricket showed up with her arms lined with plates. She set down Ivy’s pancakes first. In whipped topping were two eyes and a crooked mouth that brought a smile to Ivy. Rachel got her veggie omelet, and he got his big breakfast with eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast.

“It’s different, but it’s good.”

She fist-bumped the air. “I keep telling Charlotte it’s good, but she won’t even try it.”

The mention of Charlotte made him feel warm inside. “We met Charlotte last night. She brought us dinner.”

“That sounds like Charlotte. I imagine by tonight you won’t have to worry about meals for weeks.”

“Weeks? We don’t need that many meals. We aren’t staying.”

Ivy dropped her fork. “We have to stay. This is where I live. I just started school.”
