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Ivy wasn’t like most kids. She was precocious and ferocious and far too smart for her own good. Chloe might have wanted her to have choices, but did that mean she got to choose everything? He wasn’t used to living in a democracy. He was used to ruling his world. Something told him that everything was about to change.

They finished their meal, paid, and headed out. Rather than go straight to the car, Ivy skipped down the street. He thought she was heading to the candy shop on the corner, but she stopped in front of a store called Because You Said Yes. She pressed her nose against the glass and then squealed with delight before she raced inside.

“What the hell?” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. ”Aren’t you supposed to be with her? You’re her nanny—it’s your job!”

“I’m not her parent.” Tears spilled down Rachel’s cheeks. “I’m sad and under a lot of pressure. It’s hard to focus when I don't know what's going to happen next.”

“We’re all confused. You’re not the only one who’s sad. That was my sister. I’m sad too, but we have to move forward, and Ivy needs consistency.”

“Is that why you’re moving her to who knows where? That doesn’t sound stable.”

He wasn’t going to stand there and argue with a teenager, so he moved past her and into the shop where he found Ivy talking to Charlotte. They were discussing types of paper while Charlotte took several sheets of what looked like fancy and expensive linen paper and put them into a bag.

“I think your mother would love these.”

“Hey bug, you can’t take off like that.” Bastien walked to the counter and tugged one of Ivy’s long locks before pulling out his wallet. “What do I owe you for the paper?”

Charlotte’s face lit up with a smile, and he had a vision of an angel. “No charge,” she said. “Ivy intends to write her mom a letter and somepretty paper will make it perfect.”

He nodded in agreement.

“She told me you ate at the diner. Was it good?” Charlotteasked.

“Just a coffee and breakfast,” he replied.

Charlotte produced a tissue from a nearby box and wiped the chocolate from Ivy's mouth. “Ah, and chocolate!” She spun around, flicking the tissue into a bin. “I hope Cricket didn’t get you to try her special brew.”

“What do you mean?” he said, unable to figure out what was going on.

“Did you drink it?”

He glanced away, trying his best to avoid her gaze. “I'm not sure I want to answer that.”

“You already did,” she chuckled, reaching up to cover her mouth in an attempt to contain her laughter.

“Excuse me?”

Turning to him, she shared a mischievous grin. “Kopi Luwak, or civet coffee. Just search for it.” She grabbed Ivy by the hand and led her behind the counter. “How about some glitter? I’m pretty sure I have some in my office!”

Bastientook out his phone and typed in “civet coffee.” But when he saw that the beverage he had just consumed came from coffee beans that had been eaten, digested, and excreted by an animal resembling a cross between a raccoonand a ferret, he couldn't help himself from grimacing in disgust—he hadjust ingested a liquid litter box!

As Charlotte and Ivy came back from her office, he fled to the back room with one hand clasped over his mouth, raging nausea threatening to take away any semblance of composure that he had left. “Where’s the bathroom?” he called out.

“First door on the right,” Charlotteanswered.

When he came out of the bathroom pale-faced, he walked to where Charlotte and Ivy sat at a big table writing letters.

“You feeling alright?”

He nodded. “I just want to be clear. I was sick last night, and I can’t rule out your food.” His stomach tightened as her angelic smile lit up her face.

“My money is on the cat feces.”

“What’s feces?” Ivy asked.

Charlotte looked at him as if to ask him if he wanted to explain, and he didn’t want to touch this subject with a ten-foot-pole.

“You started it. You explain it to her. I have nothing left in me—literally.”
