Page 39 of One Hundred Desires

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She shook her head. “No, silly, they were at the electronics store, right by the register. They know their clientele. Computer geeks are rarely as skilled in the kitchen as Bobby Flay. We need quick and easy.”

He smiled. “I know all about quick and easy.”

She rolled her eyes. “We’re talking about food and not women.”

“Pop-Tarts it is. Please tell me that you got strawberry.”

“How about I surprise you.”

He laughed. “I’ll be surprised if you can toast it without burning it.”

“That’s a fair concern.” At that moment, she realized that she had found something in Red—a connection that went beyond the superficial, a bond that transcended the barriers of their pasts and allowed them to see each other for who they truly were.

She took his hand and intertwined their fingers, and they continued their walk back to the house. Lucky trotted alongside them, his happy panting punctuating the comfortable silence between them. As they approached the front door, Red asked, “What are you going to do now?”

“I’m going to bed. What about you?”

They entered, and he let Lucky loose from his leash and hung it by the door. Then he stood there staring into her eyes. “I’m going to kiss you if you promise not to punch me.”

She stepped back. “Do you think that’s wise?”

He shook his head. “No, but it’s necessary.”

Before she could put any more distance between them, he took hold of her shoulders and pulled her close. She was in his arms, and his lips were on hers, sending sparks of electricity through her body. The feeling was so intense that she felt as though she might faint, and for a few moments, she let herself be enveloped in the warmth and pleasure of his embrace.

He looked into her eyes and smiled, an expression that seemed to come from somewhere distant. “Good things should never be rushed,” he said, sliding his hands down her arms, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. He kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose, then stepped back and glanced at her hands as if he’d find them fisted and ready to strike, but she didn’t want to hit him. She wanted to fall into his arms and stay there forever.

She felt a sudden chill at his departure, though her heart still beat wildly. She wanted to ask him to stay, to hold her again and never leave, but the words didn’t come. Instead, she stared at him and hoped he’d see it in her eyes.

He pulled her close to him, and suddenly his lips were open, and his tongue was on hers. She felt the heat of his embrace and tasted the sweetness of his kiss all the way to her toes.

Step away,the voice in her head said, but she ignored it and stepped into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pressing her hips to his.

His hands moved around her back as the kiss deepened. A moan breached the silence.Was that her?

He pulled away, putting distance between them. “I’m sorry,” he said.

“No, don’t be.” She stood there for a second, catching her breath.

He took her hands in his and looked at her. “I should go.”

She wanted to tell him he should stay and continue kissing her, but she knew that to do so would put them in a position that one of them would regret. Instead, she nodded.

“This isn’t over, Viv. It’s just beginning. The problem is I don’t know how to start at the beginning. I usually jump in just before the end.” He kissed her one more time. This time it was gentle and sweet. He moved back and smiled. “I’ll need your help with that.” He turned and walked away, leaving her standing alone, wanting so much more.


Red awoke with a start, his mind still reeling from the passionate kiss he had shared with Viv. As he lay there, his heart pounding, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension.

As Red swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stretched, the morning sun’s warmth filled the room. Making his way to the bathroom, he couldn’t help but think about Viv. After a revitalizing shower, Red stood before his closet, mulling over his clothing choices. He wanted to look nice for Viv, to show her that he valued her presence and appreciated her as a colleague and a person.

Feeling silly for worrying about his clothes, Red searched his closet for the perfect balance between casual and polished. He briefly considered wearing his lucky socks with pineapples on them but quickly dismissed the thought. He chuckled at the idea of Viv’s reaction, but that wasn’t quite the impression he was going for. Besides, she’d no doubt say the word pineapple, which would send him scurrying into the cupboard under the stairs.When had he turned into Harry Potter?

Ultimately, Red chose a comfortable pair of well-fitting jeans and a flattering Henley shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror, content with his appearance, but couldn’t help laughing at the notion of him fretting over his outfit like a teenager going on a first date.

Red found Viv in the kitchen preparing breakfast, her silky hair tumbling over her shoulders as she moved gracefully around the room. He couldn’t help but steal glances at her, his mind consumed by the memory of their electrifying kisses.

As he entered, Viv flashed a sheepish smile and confessed, “I hope you’re not expecting a gourmet breakfast because all I can manage are Pop-Tarts.”
