Page 51 of One Hundred Desires

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“Don’t talk over the characters in the middle of key scenes, and I won’t be tempted to resort to desperate measures.”

“I hope never to need that safe word again.”

Viv laughed, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “It would seem we’re past that stage now. Hopefully, she’s given up. We made it much harder for her or anyone else to welcome themselves into your home. You’re following all the protocols, right? Remember, they keep trouble away from you where it belongs.”

“I’m paying attention and doing just as I’ve been told. Thankfully there’s been no one hanging around.” That got him thinking about Viv and her job as a bodyguard. She hadn’t mentioned what was next. Did she have other upcoming assignments? They hadn’t discussed what would happen in the future. Then again, while they’d been together for a while, this was their first official date.

Red thought a romantic comedy was the best bet to keep them focused on the date and maintain some restraint. This movie genre always delivered the feel-good, uproarious laughs and tenderness without hot sex scenes that would have had them ripping off their clothes prematurely. This date was all about extending the anticipation and reveling in it. Their eyes met occasionally, smiles playing on their lips. In one particularly touching scene, Red leaned in and gently kissed Viv’s lips. After a few lingering kisses, they pulled apart, both knowing that this sexy tug of war was a key part of the game plan for tonight.

As the movie continued, a pivotal scene unfolded where the heroine faced a difficult choice between her life with the hero and her thriving career.

When the movie ended, Red looked at Viv, curious about her thoughts. “What would you choose?”

“Thankfully, I’m not in that position.”

He cocked his head, not understanding. “But you are.”

Her eyes widened, realizing the truth in his words. “I guess you’re right. But it’s not an easy decision, Red. It’s a complex situation. What about you? What would you choose?”

Red hesitated, running his fingers through his hair. “I... I don’t know. I want to think that love is powerful enough to overcome any obstacle, but it’s never that simple, is it?”

Viv sighed, her expression thoughtful. “No, it’s not. And why does it always have to be the woman who has to give up her career and aspirations? Would you give up your career for love?”

“I don’t know. I can’t imagine my life without music. It’s all I know.”

“So, if you and I were going to make a go of it, you’d expect me to give up my career?”

He hadn’t considered how complex their situation was. “No. It would be easier for you to make adjustments, though?”

Her eyes seemed to glow as if backlit by fire. “Why would you say that?”

Red’s face flushed, realizing the implications of his words. “I didn’t mean it like that, Viv. I just meant... Well, I don’t know what I meant. I guess I hadn’t thought it through. We’ve been so happy right here. I didn’t imagine us anywhere else. That’s all.”

Viv’s expression softened slightly, but the fire in her eyes remained. “Red, my career and the business I’ve helped build is important to me, just like music is important to you. We both worked hard to get where we are. We have invested a lot of ourselves, and other people depend on us too.”

He nodded, understanding her point of view, and feeling like the 1950s wanted their idiot back. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Viv. That was so stupid of me. I suppose I just got caught up in the idea of us being together and didn’t consider the details. But, since we’re having this talk now, what if we decide to have a family? I wouldn’t want you in danger.”

Lucky barked, but they ignored him.

“And I wouldn’t want you on the road; that’s dangerous too. What happens with the next Sarah who decides she’s the one?”

Red thought they’d be kissing and rolling like thunder by now, but this door had to be opened at some point. It might as well be tonight. Exploring the depths of their desires could wait while they sorted out the depths of their souls. They couldn’t live as soulmates if they couldn’t figure out how to be together.

Lucky barked louder.

“I think he needs to go out. If you can get him, I’ll take care of the dishes that have started to ferment in the sink.”

Viv picked up her phone. “Let’s go, boy.”


Viv stepped out into the cold fall air, her breath visible as she exhaled. She couldn’t shake the unease that settled in her chest after the conversation with Red. It wasn’t that she doubted their affection or commitment, but she couldn’t help feeling discontented with the idea that one of them would have to change or diminish their career for the other. Both Cameron and Red had said that many things contributed to the demise of their relationship like publicists, social media consultants and managers constantly trying to shape it for their very different fans, but being apart all the time was probably the biggest problem.

As she paced back and forth in front of the house, she considered calling Cameron for advice. But a glance at the time told her it was too late, and maybe Cameron didn’t want to be in the middle, providing counsel to her sister-in-law on how to handle the intricacies of a relationship with her ex-fiancé. The crisp air nipped at her uncovered skin, goosebumps rising as she caught a breeze. The scent of fallen leaves and wood smoke hung in the air, reminding her that fall was almost over, and winter wasn’t far away. The stillness of the night was only occasionally interrupted by the creaking of swaying tree limbs and the distant hoot of an owl.

Lucky, who had been quietly sniffing the yard’s perimeter, suddenly began barking at the gate. Viv furrowed her brow, curious about what had caught the dog’s attention.

“What do you hear, boy?” She opened the gate, and Lucky bolted into the patch of trees next to Red’s house, his barks growing more frantic.
