Page 13 of Prisoner

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She’s wearing the dirty, shitty, rumpled jumpsuit that hangs loosely on her small frame. Her hands are fisted in front of her face and her eyelids flutter lightly. Whether she’s only half asleep, dreaming, or afraid, I can’t tell. She looks so innocent. Her tanned skin and plump pink lips, lips that I barely remember the feel of, are the only colour in the whole cell, instantly brightening up the lifeless space.

Looking down at her, I think about the whole evening, thoughts of her naked body at the forefront of my mind. The goosebumps shadowing over her were like a second skin, her chest rising rapidly at the embarrassment, the water cascading down her breasts and stomach, droplets racing each other as they dropped lower. How can I let any of these criminals look at her the same way? Touch her before me?

My spine shivers, the skin on the back of my neck prickles, and I feel eyes on me. I look to the left and see the big, muscular guy in the cell next to hers leaning against the railings, his forearms resting against the rails as his hands hang loosely over the other edge. He cocks an eyebrow at me and a smile plays at my lips.

He nods in the direction of Theodora, never breaking my eye contact. I look back at her sleeping form, then back at her neighbour. I nod back, placing my hand in his and giving him a small handshake.

Then taking one last look at Theodora, I walk away, leaving her in this hell hole.



I jolt awake,the horrid dim lighting giving nothing away as to what time it is. It feels like three in the morning, but I know that isn’t the case. The time on the dashboard of the car read around 1:00 when I was brought in here.

I sit up, my head throbbing slightly at my disorientation. Scanning the small space, my eyes stop on a man sitting on a stool by the doorway to the cell. On the inside of thelockedcell, might I add.

He’s big and muscular, barely fitting into his dull jumpsuit, which makes me wonder if they’re one size fits all. No one would challenge him, though. From what I can see, his skin is covered in ink and his hair is cropped short. He looks around twenty-eight, just a few years older than me.

The intruder leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he stares at me. I immediately want to panic but then consider the point of that. What would I do anyway? Scream? There’s no one coming to my rescue here.

I shuffle my position to mimic his, tucking my legs under myself, my elbows resting on my knees, although I’m a lot less intimidating than his bulky frame. The corner of his mouth tugs up and his whole facial expression turns to one of warmth.

“I like you already,” he says in a husky voice, piercing the silence.

Now that I’ve heard his voice, I’m very aware of all the sounds surrounding me. Metal clanks, voices, deep shouts, and laughter all echo through the walls. I try to look through the bars around the man sitting in my cell.

“The doors open at sunrise. At least we assume it’s sunrise,” he says again. My eyes find his and they flicker with slight anxiety.

The doors open?

“That’s how you’re in here,” I state the obvious.

He nods.

“Either me or all of them,” he says, pointing over his shoulder.

The fear eats away at me. My cell is open for anyone to come through? He stares intently at me as I fidget, getting to my feet and pacing slightly around the small space.

“And who’s to say you’re any better?” I rush out in my panic.

“I’m not going to hurt you.”

I stop and look over at him. He’s now on his feet and has taken a small step towards me. He reaches a hand out in front of him, between us.

“I’m Puck.”

I hesitate. How do I know he won’t hurt me? I’m trapped in an unlocked prison cell, with nothing to protect myself, surrounded by criminals who have been locked up for who knows how many years. And for who knows what reasons.

A shorter man in the same matching jumpsuit walks past and halts when he locks eyes with me. He has greasy, long hair and a few missing teeth. He backs up and reaches out to open the large metal door, and my heart rate picks up once again.

Puck turns to see him and tenses, making his way to the bars that are separating us from him. The smaller guy freezes and backs up into the railing behind him, lifting his hands in surrender before stumbling away.

Puck turns back around and places his hand out in front of him again like nothing has happened. Assessing the situation, an ally would be ideal, especially one the size of Puck. The way he just scared that guy away is proof enough for now that he won’t hurt me?yet.

I take his hand in mine.

“Theo,” I reply quietly.
